Sunday, July 16, 2017

It's renewing, restoring....

Somewhere after my time with Him last night, God said to listen to a certain song. I don't argue when it's after midnight or even question at that point....God had already been pouring out, so I wasn't about to rock the moment. I played the song which is one I have listened to on an almost nightly basis and even sang in worship service before when visiting Restoring Hope, but last night God used to it on a whole other level. God always has the word ready His children need, always. He's never late or behind even though our flesh may lead us to believe that. He created us and knows us the the word is always right on time. 

Your Blood is a song by Aaron and Amanda Crabb, the link is below if you have never heard it. There is a line in the song that says it's renewing, restoring, setting us free.....

Things in the natural reflect things in the spiritual...stay with me as I describe the picture God painted last night while I sat there with tears streaming down during this song. Sometimes the wounds of life can leave us gushing out blood. We try to bandage those wounds, but the loss still leaves us feeling weak. Maybe our spiritual iron is even low and over time we continue to just go through the motions lacking any pizzazz cause we just don't feel it. You keep going and doing all that you can, but tired becomes the norm.....His blood is renewing, restoring. Sometimes we need a blood transfusion, a hook up from the One who is always a perfect match. It's then and only then do we start to feel restored over time, renewed with an energy that is fresh, and a strength that comes from the source. Wounds are going to happen, but I'm thankful His blood is renewing, restoring. It's when I slow down and let Him take over that I am reminded He gets what I can't seem to comprehend. He understands the moments that make me have to count to ten and take a deep breath. He knows what makes my heart stay in rhythm. I'm thankful for His promises and even when I make a mess of things and the day is held together with His duct tape, He always pokes through with a peace that reminds me "I'm working on what you can't see". 

My anxiety hasn't been my friend this week. I've learned what makes my heart stay in rhythm and what makes it get out of rhythm. I'm learning that boundaries have to be put in place for those things that don't make my heart beat with His.....and no is a word that needs to be used more. I'm a little too transparent some days and walk a fine line between throwing the wall up or telling you how I feel. I'm thankful for those in my life that pour back in when I tell them exactly where I am at. I'm learning to stay sensitive to others that may be where I am and after tonight's sermon praying for interactions that are divine appointments. I've seen God restore confidence over the last week that I had only dreamed about and I've also seen my insecurity and self-doubt turn up the volume in another area. Isn't that how things usually work? The puzzle comes into view at one spot, but the pieces in the other start being harder to fit into place. There is a surrender to the pieces altogether that has to happen at some point.....after all, it wasn't a puzzle I created in the first place. 

I don't know where you are at walking into this week, but God does. Maybe you are running along and life is great, stay the course and keep smiling. Maybe you are in that point where you are starting to feel the weakness set in and the motions aren't that far away, and you need to slow down for a hook up from the One whose blood is restoring and renewing. Maybe you are in the place I was last week where you were in between what made your heart stay in rhythm and what made it come out of rhythm.....let me tell you what I needed last week...I see you! More than that sweet reader, God sees you and knows exactly where you are at. I know it feels like your feet are having trouble walking, but water walking was never meant to be easy. There were other disciples in the boat when Jesus told Peter to come....sometimes the water walking part of your journey is just between you and Him. Whatever it is you are needing in the moment....ask Him for it. I'm reading The Circle Maker and every chapter I'm reminded that the only prayer that is never answered, is the one that is never asked. Don't lose hope when the answer seems to be a delay.....God's still on His way. 

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