The suitcase was packed full of what had been used from the trip, clothes that had been worn, clothes that hadn't, shoes, jewelry, and even a few souvenirs. It was bulging by the time she rolled it into the house because don't we all know that it never goes back in the suitcase as neat as it did when it came out. It's never an easy fit, but you stuff it all in there just to make the trip to home to unpack it. Suitcase is opened and you start to "deal" with everything on the inside. The clothes that had been worn need to be washed and after the trip the ones that hadn't still need to be washed. The shoes need to be put away, the jewelry hung up, and a place found tor the souvenirs. Then once everything has been dealt with, once everything has a place's time to put that suitcase away. It's time to put the suitcase away. The suitcase still reminds you of the trip, but once it's in it's's not something you will trip over anymore.
I'm the worst at unpacking in the natural and it's not much better with my own house. I would go on trips in the summer and certain bags would stay packed all summer. How many times do we just get it out of whatever bag it's still packed in when we need instead of taking time to deal with it and put it away. It was never as fun to unpack as it was to pack.
A couple of months ago, God showed me a picture of a suitcase and it was open. I had tried to leave the suitcase at His feet multiple times and all of the junk that it contained. A couple of years ago a friend finally spoke truth that broke through this hard head..I had to deal with some stuff. The leaving the bag at His feet wasn't how freedom was found, because as soon as I needed a feeling or a thought would pop in..I knew exactly where to go to get it. Yes the suitcase may have stayed at His feet, but I would go pull out what I needed for the moment to use. I couldn't understand why it was still so "heavy" when I had left it at His feet. Well hello, I was spending all of my time trying to live in the natural and in the spiritual, but didn't know that's what I was doing. I was picking blooms and not digging up roots. For the suitcase to not be something the enemy could use to entangle me and distract me, I had to deal with what was in the suitcase...every piece whether it had been worn or not, there were things that needed to be restored to their place. Are you following? Today He used an empty suitcase sitting by my closet to finish what He's been trying for two months to get through to me. (I'm slightly stubborn, easily distracted, anxious at times, and tend to walk in discouragement more than I should so it takes a few times for the "word" to poke through the soil so it can take root). Sometimes we go through the process with God to deal with what's in the suitcase so we can let it go...we let go of the contents, but don't take a minute to put away the suitcase, to let that go in His hands. God's ready to turn the page to our next chapter and we are still staring at the period. Hear my heart for a minute....the time to unpack the suitcase is between you and God. Just as in the natural, some people get caught up on laundry and put things away a lot quicker than others. Some people can move houses and not have a box left a week later. Some of us six months later, still have a box or two to put away. It's a process for you and one else can tell you how fast to do it, just keep doing it. One thing at a time is better than just staring at the suitcase. Talking with Him about the suitcase is better than acting like the suitcase doesn't exist. The suitcase may not always stay away in the spiritual life happens...and just because you get through dealing with the contents of one, doesn't mean it won't be filled again. Just remember God never changes and He's not going anywhere. He's a loving Father willing to help however you will let Him.
I don't know what you have been carrying around. How much more grace and mercy we would probably show each other if we could see the bags and suitcases we are all dragging around? God knows though exactly what's been weighing you down. I'm not going to tell you it's easy....goodness I've been staring at mine for a month because I really didn't want to talk about it. I thought I had dealt with it and I had...I had victory over the feelings, but one punch and the memories came flooding back. One punch and I stood staring at the suitcase for almost a month not sure if I wanted to put it away. God doesn't quit talking just because you don't want to listen. He doesn't stop poking and prodding, knocking until you listen. For that I am thankful...I'm thankful He stepped in last week when I wasn't exactly expecting Him, but then again He knew what I needed. I'm thankful for shifts in the spiritual that reminds of His purpose and plan....we were created to be His hands and Feet simply put. I know what it's like for anxiety to overwhelm you in the flesh, for discouragement to be the thoughts that are on repeat, for the blahs to be a fog around you, for Netflix to be what you would rather watch/listen to than your praise music. (I'm learning just in the last week, energy happens when you feed it from His well, but that's a blog for another day). You may still have a full suitcase....okay open it up and ask God for help to start dealing with what's inside of it. As you do God will remind you of His love, His mercy, His grace...and His incredible plans for your life sweet reader. God knows the suitcase is there, He's waiting on you to get tired of carrying it around. It took me awhile to open up the to put it away, but that's a blog for another day when it's left at His Feet for good.
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