Sunday, April 22, 2018

"I may be in a daze"

I've known this blog was coming since the last one. The press has been real and I can't say I've handled it the right way each time. This time of the year is CRAZY and overwhelmed is an understatement. The time seems to go by so fast and the list of what needs to be done seems to grow longer instead of shorter. I thought I was sliding back on autopilot again. It's what I seem to do when life gets overwhelming. I push out anything (and anyone) that isn't on the list and just go through what looks like the motions getting done what has to be done. This is a dangerous place because it's one step away from the "not caring zone". That's not me and most that know me know that...I'm thankful God does too.  I think it was the seventh time listening to "This Means War" and it hit. This wasn't the motions, this was a daze. In the Motions zone, God seems distant. God's been right there the last couple of weeks and caught EVERYTHING I've thrown His way (including me a few times). He's been one step ahead of me and known what needed to happen before I knew there was a need. We limit God some days because we ask for a specific request and when God answers we don't always see it as an answer even though God took care of the need. God is a limitless God and will meet the needs of His children in His timing (and in His way). One day my sleep schedule is going to be consistent and normal again. Until then though (and yes I fell asleep earlier on the couch hence I'm wide awake now), I will press and pray through the late nights knowing God has a reason for everything.

There is a praise that comes during the moments when you start to realize what God is doing. When you know that the enemy is throwing what he can your way to distract you and that it almost worked....but God. My mind multi-tasks way too much, and if I'm not intentional in trying to stay organized I can lose focus easily. (and some of you said Amen at this point..).  There is a praise that comes when you go after what is yours even if it doesn't feel like it makes sense. When we start to use His eyes for a lens of our feelings, the rest begin to grow strangely dim. Strength doesn't mean you have it all together and never find yourself going God what are you means you know how to press when you feel stuck. It means you know that even when you are on empty, you stand on the give and it shall be given to you truth....and know that God keeps His promises. I know it doesn't feel easy sometimes and we wish we could just pray away whatever is making us press. God has a purpose for the press; there is a strength that He is developing that will be needed for the next mountain etc. There is a season where you press with people and a season where you have to learn to press through just you and God. (but that's a blog for another day).

Transparent/Mask off what do you do though when it looks like the motions may be looming and you feel the edge of the turtle shell at your back. You keep seeking Him and standing on the truth that if you go after Him, He will go after you and make everything else fall into place. It's a shift in your mind that has to happen when you quit looking at God to do and looking to Him to be. So here are a few "lies/feelings" I've pressed through over the last couple of weeks. I'm not sharing because I've got this journey down....I'm sharing because someone else may be able to relate and one of the enemies favorite lies is that you are alone in what you are pop that now and stand/circle that iron sharpens iron.  Maybe you have heard the whispers of "what you are doing doesn't make a difference." Planting seeds takes time and even though you may not be able to see the roots growing, God is using what you do to invest in the lives of others. Never let that lie take root...because the enemy can paralyze you with it. Believe me, I've been there done that more times than I should have. If you believe you don't make a difference, you won't. You will defeat yourself before you ever get started because your heart won't be in what you do. Your head doesn't have to believe it makes sense, but your heart does.....You aren't always going to feel like you are making difference (can someone say Amen?)....but if you are walking out what God has called you to do and being who He made you to be...then trust Him for the difference. His difference-making power multiplies instead of subtracting.... Trust God for the ground to sow the seeds He's given you to plant. So many times we get caught up in the details and God's saying just be you and I'll handle the details. One of my favorite quotes from The Circle Maker is "Work like it depends on you and pray like it depends on God". In other words, do all that you can do, but at the same time trust that God will do all that He can as well as you seek Him in prayer. Seeking isn't a one-time quick's a daily pursuit of the only One who truly makes sense.

Maybe you have heard the whispers of "You just thought you got free from that..". Y'all we live in a world that has more in the atmosphere we can't see then we can comprehend.  We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities. In other words, just because you run up against something doesn't mean it's got a hold of you again. It may slap you in the face one day, but if God set you doesn't have a hold on you. It has to leave when you tell it to, so speak to it in Jesus name and keep walking on. It doesn't mean it won't come find you again, but you have the power to trample on its head. Max Lucado says the presence of anxiety is unavoidable, the prison of it is optional. You may run up against it one day, but when God has set you free from are still free indeed. Now if you are still bound up and locked in it, that's a whole other issue and a blog for another day. I'm done with the enemy going just thought you walked out of that chain. Hearing the rattle of chains doesn't mean you are locked up if Jesus has set you free...let that sink in. God's word says be anxious for nothing, He never said we wouldn't feel anxious. He gets it and will use it for your good and His glory...if you let Him.  He's been too good to me lately for me to question that He's still got this thing covered. I've fell in His lap more than once broken and thought I had pieces He needed to put back together.....when He needed me to just keep trusting that He was strengthening and restoring what He had already put back together.

I started this blog a couple of days ago one night late...thinking I was going to get to finish it..but God needed to finish writing it first. It may feel like you are in_____, but hear me when I say just because you may be in it doesn't mean it's in you. Oh me, when I heard that word this morning something inside of me, started leaping. It may feel like the waves are lapping at your feet and that underneath doesn't feel so secure....but fix your eyes on who you can see in front of you. Don't turn to the left or the right....but straight ahead knowing that He has already planned out each and every step. He gets the moment you are in and still whispers just trust Me. The deeper you have to press, the more the root is growing and that's okay.  Roots have to be secure in order for the bloom to be secure. If you seek Him, I mean really seek Him....go after what He wants to tell you (even if it may not be what you want to hear), You will find Him. God's not hiding it from you....He just wants to know you are serious about finding it. Looking and seeking may seem like synonyms but one has a deeper press than the other (and that's a blog for another day). Some moments are just for you and doesn't have to make sense to anyone else, but I am so thankful for when He pours out that word you have been seeking after. I'm thankful when He says this Child is what I'm doing......ya'll words can't describe when the Creator goes, lean in for a minute and listen. When we pursue Him with a relentless surrender, He will pour out a reckless love that knows no limits and overwhelms us with a peace that can't be explained.

God thank you for your seed, thank you for rain in the natural and in the supernatural that waters the seed on the inside of us. God thank you for what may seem like a stuck moment in the natural is in the supernatural a breakthrough moment because the seed is coming forth in season. Thank you for a praise that may not make sense to anyone, but that goes straight to your heart. Thank you for loving like you do and for catching us when we start to let the weight of our this and that weigh us down. Thank you for stirring up what only you can stir up....a moment is never wasted when it's in Your hands and for that, I'm eternally thankful. Thank you, Jesus, that greater is still to come....and that You are just getting started in Jesus name!

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