When God drops a verse in my Spirit, I often times will put a date by the verse. This one was one God gave me almost a year ago.....and then He brought it back to my attention just a couple of weeks ago. I've had an expectancy in my Spirit this summer...and I've been waiting on God for revelation. I knew it was coming, but impatient me has been like come on now. I've been in reflect mode, hence the lack of blogs. I would start to write and God would never let me finish just yet. If we are truly living our lives for the applause of One, then why do we let the lack of applause from so many keep us distracted. That was in one of those blogs I started one night and never finished...but that part wouldn't leave my Spirit. So many times we get caught up in the comparison trap and it leads us to a rat race that never ends. One thing God kept whispering over and over (He knows I'm stubborn and need time for the root to start), it's a focus issue...if we keep our focus in the comparison zone, we will never be who God designed for us to be. We will get close to it, our promised land in view, but we will never walk into it. So many times we sit waiting on God to give us our promised land, and God's waiting for us to move our feet. God's waiting on us to quit looking at everyone else's feet and start moving our own. He's waiting on us to grow up and move from walking to running. He's waiting on us to know that the visions and revelations He has given us will come to pass. There is a season of overflow coming...God's looking for a remnant that will stay so close to what He's pouring out that it can't help but spill over to others.
I've been in listen mode for most of this summer. I can't say it has always been easy, insecure, anxious me was a lot louder some days. I promise you I know I make God laugh some days as He sits there and goes, child haven't we already been there. I knew last year was the year of Restoration and this year the word has been release...I could sense what God was pouring out in the spirit realm. The enemy loves to use distractions, some of them may even be good distractions to keep our focus offset. I'm so thankful God keeps stirring though...He knows what is on the inside of His children and He's not going to settle for you to walk in the land of distractions when He has a promised land planned. There are still going to be days when anxious me needs God to whisper loudly steps are ordered by Him (ya'll if I didn't already know that, but some days I need God to remind me and He knows that. He knows that is part of my testimony and if you don't know the story....well it's a blog to come. It's one I should have told more before now). Back on topic...God isn't looking for a perfect people to pour out on..but on a people who are positioned and open to what He's doing. He's looking on hearts where the ground has already been tilled up aka broken up and is in receive mode. I'm the first to tell you I'm my own worst enemy some days...but last night while trying to sleep God gave me a picture of an umbrella of grace. We are so busy sometimes giving that umbrella to cover others when we need to remember it for ourselves too. Stop giving the enemy an inlet of insecurity and speak grace and His truth and promises over our own lives. This morning driving to church, His presence was so real and so tangible....that I couldn't wait to get the car in park and look up the verses God had shown me in a vision. What you saw as a burst, God saw as a shift. What you saw as a stretch, an uncomfortable moment...God saw as putting the new wineskin on and it's time for overflow.
I'm a Jesus girl who has seen God do way too much to start doubting Him now. I know what it's like to take Him at His word and to see Him move as only He can. I've seen God step in and tell the enemy that's enough. I've experienced His presence in a tangible way and I know what it's like when the anointing is poured out. I also know what it's like to breathe through when anxiety rears it's ugly head, knowing that the presence of it is unavoidable, but also knowing now that the prison of it is optional. Sweet reader, God's not the only one that knows what has been put on the inside of you because the enemy knows it as well. What vision, what promise, what dream has God said was yours for the taking? What are you waiting on? Your confidence isn't in what you feel like you can do, but in what He said you could do. Move those feet.....and step into what God's doing.
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