If we truly grasped what God meant by when He said the same power that raised Jesus on the inside of us...lives on the inside of us, would we really let the "little" things send us into such a defeat cycle? If we really could grab a hold of what He's poured into us to pour through us...would we walk around consumed by the busyness of life? I've had way too much time today to listen ...(don't get me wrong the to-do list has been HUGE, but God's list has come first). Sometimes He pulls you away because He needs your focus, your attention. If you have never experienced a time of fasting, well that's what it's all about. It's about taking something away that usually keeps your focus and drawing your focus where it belongs. Sometimes I see the big picture before I see the steps....and not knowing the steps keeps me from embracing the big picture. That's a blog in itself.....so many times God's calling us to take a step and we keep wanting to know what it is exactly we are stepping in and on. Ya'll I'm a Jesus girl who has been on an intense journey over the last three years, I probably really should write a book one day....but I can't shake what I feel in my Spirit tonight.
The weather forecast this week calls for rain in the natural, but God's raining in the spiritual as well. He's looking for His children that are positioned and ready to hear. He's not looking at denomination, He's looking for obedience. I gave up a long time ago after a yucky migraine moment calling myself anything but a Jesus girl. (If you aren't sure what I mean by that....it's in a few blogs back). My praise may not always make sense, but it does if you know my story and know what all God has walked me through. (Yeah I said through). I've come from the one who needed someone to pray me through EVERYTHING to knowing how to pray and press through. There are some battles that are only won on your face in your prayer place with God. There are some battles that are only won staying there until God does something.
Don't get so distracted by all that is going on that you miss all that God is doing. Don't let your to-do list be so much of your focus that you lose His focus. Why do we stop at just enough when God has running over planned? Why do we stop at filled up when God plans overflow? There is a praise coming from this season that is going to be a sound that shakes places that can't be seen. The places that were once dry are going to be saturated again. If we are comfortable going around the same mountain, that will be the view that we stay with. Mountain moving takes place when you get off the mountain, or over the mountain, and on to a new thing that He's doing. I don't want to stand before Him one day and hear God ask well why didn't you _________with what I gave you. Ya'll when that truly sinks in....it will rock your world.
I know the days aren't always easy, ya'll I have enough moments of my own when insecurity and anxiety start to get loud.....but for the last 48 hours God's been clear ...stir it up. When we know what is on the inside of us...even on the days when we can't see what He's doing, we have to stir up what He's deposited on the inside of us. When we know the power we have.....we have to take time to not only plug in, but to stay connected long enough for a complete charge to happen. So many times we plug in, but only connect long enough to have power for a bit. This world is going to take power that comes from a full charge. Maybe you aren't sure how to press in ....get alone with Him and just listen (until He answers). Sometimes we have to tary for awhile and wait......(that's a blog for another day).
Different kind of blog tonight, but if He's letting me finish it so it's for someone besides just me. I don't know what your week holds....but I know who holds your week Child of God. There is power on the inside of you....tap into it and stir it up. I know what it's like to coast through, been there done that......and done with this swimming in the shallow end season. I've been in the secret place tonight and pressed through to touch Him. There is a peace with Him that makes you forget that it doesn't always make sense. There is power on the inside of your Child of God.....flip the switch and follow His lead.
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