Sunday, October 18, 2020

The sound vs. Noise

Side note: I started writing this blog at the end of Fall Break..but God wouldn't let me finish it. I know why after this week. Thankful for a release to finish it....

I thought I had already posted this song in this journey of reflections....until I saw it was still sitting in draft form. I was watching a service from this morning and they sang this and God started reminding me of so much from the beginning of the journey. I've been hearing a sound in the Spirit for the last six months (since April). There's a word still coming on, and being pieced together from Ezekiel 37, but on to the blog I'm released to write for now...

2020 has become a year for most of expecting things to happen. It seems like we go from one thing to another as a country and many have faced that same cycle personally. Transparency moment before I go any further, the last couple of weeks have worn me down and out. It's becoming harder and harder to pick myself up from those moments some days and move forward. Binge-watching TV and just sleeping are becoming an escape some nights. If you have an educator in your life, encourage them....we are giving it all we have and it's feeling like not enough some days. Seriously, this is a hard year for any educator regardless of how many years of experience. Only God this weekend though found his way to speak even during 

I truly believe God is laying the foundation for the rest of this year to be what He designed for it to be. Distractions are plentiful, trust me  I know they look differently for everyone, but they are distractions still the same. ...Distractions are all making noise too because the enemy doesn't want the sound reaching the ears of the remnant, aka God's children. 

So many times we say we see the pieces falling into place, but this week God showed me a different perspective on how to look at that. Shift your perspective from seeing it as pieces falling into place to bones coming together. (Ezekiel 37). This past week I saw what initially made me think of pieces falling into place, but I later saw God take it up a level, it was bones coming together, etc. Hear my heart and know that I get that 2020 has been a crazy year, but I truly believe if we will give God some room, He can show us His perspective as we look to close this year out. The enemy knows it which is why there has been a counterfeit sound that has gone forth to distract. Get this in your spirit...the enemy can't create, he can only counterfeit what has already been created. So if God is sending out a sound, the enemy is trying to send one out as well but it's in the form of noise (aka distractions). Last week as I saw God start doing His thing, the enemy came throwing out distractions. Distractions come in a lot of forms and honestly, some may be different depending on your journey, etc. That's a blog in itself for another day. Recognizing what the distractions were didn't lessen them, but it did help me stay focused on what they were...distractions nonetheless and I just had to keep pressing through them. 

This will end up being a second blog, so I'll end this one right now. What are you listening to? Is it a sound or is it noise? (Matthew 11:15 He who has ears, let him hear).  Not everything you give your attention to is a sound that will have a ripple effect, some of it is just noise to keep you distracted and off focus.....but I'll save that for a part two blog later this week. 

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