Saturday, October 10, 2020

When the flood comes in...


This was not on the list of blog posts I had planned to post this week. Ya'll God laughs when we plan, if you haven't figured that out by now ....well you need to. When His plans become our plans, then things start to align as only He can. Anyway on to this word tonight...

There have been a few times when God has spoken this verse to my Spirit and this is one of those I think God may have been trying to get in for a few weeks.  Usually, when God brings up this verse I have to do a Google search cause it's not NIV that I remember it from. This is from NKJV just for reference. 

2020 has been a year on so many levels and honestly, the past few weeks have been overwhelming with a lot of stuff. Stuff that is honestly when I slow down and see it from His perspective, a lot of it is distractions. God brought me to this verse tonight as I started thinking about the to-do list. and the word WHEN jumped out at me. The verse doesn't say if the enemy comes in like a flood, it says when. Ya'll the enemy doesn't have anything new to throw at us.....when I picture a flood, I see overwhelming waters...stay with me now. What has been overwhelming you lately? If it's not God's truth and love....think about it for a minute. 

So when the wave of whatever comes at you and starts to overwhelm you, trust God to raise up a standard of truth. Trust God to bring truth back to your mind, whispers to your soul, and know that He has ordered your steps He's just waiting on you to see it. Take some time this weekend and let Him guide your reflections and thoughts. Ask Him for His perspective.....and watch Him shift your atmosphere when you let Him. 

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