Sunday, February 21, 2021

Stir it Up

God started writing this blog early this morning and I knew....this may be just a blog I write so I can re-read it later this week, but at the chance, it's for someone else too...I'm posting it.  This week has been a gift, a pause in the rush of the busy where yes I could have thrown myself into catching up on a growing to-do list, but my focus went elsewhere. God is shifting some things and I'm seeing connections of dots that had seemed isolated before this. If you are getting bits and pieces from God but not seeing how they connect, press into His presence. Time in His presence is the only way those answers will come. I'm not talking about the morning devotional time or that evening prayer time, I'm talking about letting Him set the timetable. We don't do that enough because of our schedules and that was something I treasured last year during the quarantine. I felt like this past week was a reminder of that......for in His presence truly is the fullness of joy. 

Let's get real for a minute, some days are easier than others. I think we could all say that regardless of circumstances. There are some days though when you have to fight your way through the mess that may be staring at you, but listen up Child of God.....fight. We don't wrestle with our flesh. The enemy is after purpose and our praise. Stand your ground and don't give him an inch. You have in you, what is needed to win the war. Just as David knew when he went up against Goliath that it wasn't the stones in his hand that was going to defeat the giant, but what he used to fling the stones at the giant.  

When you have seen God move, when you have spent that time in His presence....there are moments when you have to stir it up again to keep moving forward. When the enemy is pressing against you and screaming thoughts that you know don't line up with truth, sometimes you have to stir it up. If you are still reading at this point and are like what in the world is she talking about? There are times when you have to encourage yourself and stir up what you know is on the inside of you. I like to say "faith it till you make it". No not fake it, but faith it. Faith doesn't mean you can see where you are headed or even how it's going to turn out, but you take the steps knowing He's already covered the details and gone before you.  

Don't wait until you hear the taunts of your Goliath to start stirring it up. Keep it stirred up daily because the times we live in require it honestly.  You won't feel like it at times, but you are called for such a time as this. You don't know who is watching that needs to see you continuing on even when hurt should have paralyzed you. You don't know who needs to see you fight through because they will one day have to fight themselves. Apart from Him, we can't do anything, seriously.....if it weren't for His drive and function....we would walk around aimlessly shooting at things that we aren't supposed to aim at.  

It's nearing the one-year mark of a lot of things 2020 threw my way and I'm planning on writing out A LOT of blogs, not because I have anything to offer, but because we overcome by the word and our testimony. I've been leading a small group called The Space between the Mess and the Message and I feel like God is leading me to write about some of that in a couple of blogs as well. Not that I have anything too special to share, but it's just what I've learned over this past year on how to fight and testify.  

Have those scriptures that you stand on, those songs that take you to that place in Him ready for when you need to stir it up. It's taking the armor of God to a different level, but it's tangible and powerful. I have a playlist that I make each year for songs that take me to that place. 

Finish February out strong and press into purpose this week sweet readers!  I started writing the outline of a book last year and this week God gave me a timeline on here's to focusing and getting that finished before 40.

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