Sunday, February 28, 2021

When God connects some of the dots.....

As I'm writing this blog, there isn't a title just yet. God will have one by the time He lets me hit submit. Ya'll last week was rough. I knew it probably would be (most weeks after a break were), but it was heavy. I was able to discern what was going on, but trying to press through and staying in the Spirit...well let's just say I think my emotions were leading towards the end of the week.  I was a hot mess trying to sort out the message coming. I had seen a vision of what I knew God needed me to see, but I honestly didn't know what to do with it. I actually talked to my therapist about it for a good portion of the time. God knew that the dots were coming if I was patient to listen.  God knew what was going on in realms I couldn't see. (He always does and I've come too far with Him to doubt that now). 

Last week during the drive to work one day I saw a vision of a huge tree that had been uprooted and was laying on its side. The kind of tree that had the huge roots at the bottom but the ones you know that only storms can uproot. The hole it left was massive. It was such a visual of where I was at with a part of my journey. There was a part of something that happened over the last 51 weeks that still had a hole, it was still a wound that was taking its time to heal. Seeing the hole and the tree next to it, I knew enough that God was about to release something. You see I've seen roots before and knew that certain holes only God can fill. I knew God was stirring something, but like I said earlier my Spirit wasn't the loudest part of me last week.  Saturday I had one of my where side effects were rather loud and present. I know enough on this journey that the side effects may come, but they won't take root in Jesus name. So I knew that I just had to press through. I don't talk about those days much and most people don't know I deal with some stuff still, because I don't like to give it a foothold. What the enemy threw at me 51 weeks ago, was covered and sealed by the blood, and the message is breaking through. I stay ever mindful that I don't want to lose sight of what God did despite the mess the enemy threw. If you are reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about, go back and re-read some of the blogs over the last year. 

I looked ahead of this coming week and had a spirit of dread, God broke that this morning. In my mind, I couldn't celebrate until later on in the journey and God was like really now daughter. You see I've already lived through what dreading certain days looks like. I can tell you stories of how long it took me to get through December 20th and July 1st. How long before I didn't get anxious on those days and could walk in them with a peace. God knew I knew how to walk that road, but walking through anniversary days redeemed from the start is a new season.  This morning I had a release, and a peace I can't explain just yet. I saw the tree again, but this time I was able to leave it in His hands. You see God knew the wound was still there, I honestly thought that healing would come in year 2, but I heard God say this morning Daughter, it's done. I didn't have to wait for that wound to start to heal, I had to release it into His hands and trust the healing was already done. God and I have one of those unique relationships where He knows I'm listening....and this morning He even went as far as to say and you are salty about this wound because you keep looking back (made me think of Lot's wife). Yes, Lord, I'm hearing you......The release was the key to healing. It was something between me and Him. It wasn't something I needed anyone else for, which has been quite a bit of this journey, but that's a blog for another day. So I walk into this week with a Spirit peace knowing that something has shifted, knowing that God is redeeming over the next season what the enemy tried to take away in the past season. 

I don't know where you are at today, but as I've said before God does. He cares about the details, He's gone before us and stands behind us ready to keep us moving forward. I don't understand why some things happen the way they do, that's more than a blog for another day. God is faithful though, hear me....He is faithful and continues to be faithful (even when it doesn't make sense to our natural mind and our emotions are all over the place). I encourage you today press in, tell Him about that hurt you are feeling...He gets it I promise. Then when He shows you what to do, do it. Walk it out even when it may feel heavy...knowing that even when you can't see it He's working, even when you can't feel it He's working. 

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