Sunday, February 13, 2011


Last Thanksgiving, I finally broke down and got a GPS. Well yesterday I was driving home from Nashville and thought I would play with it. It kept telling me to go a different direction then the way I was used to taking. I ended up going the way I wanted to, but then realized why it told me to go a certain direction. The GPS knew the quicker route, with less traffic, and headache. I arrived at my intended destination, but not as fast as I probably would have if I had listened to the GPS. My way had a lot of red lights(stops along the journey).

How many times do we do this with God? He tells us which way to go and we sit there and ponder. We question His way, because its not the way we are used to. His way may not make sense at the time, but it always ends up with less heartache, less headaches, and is quicker in the end. His way doesn't always have all of those stops that we tend to complain about on our journey.

I can't say that I've always chosen His way. Thankfully, He's allowed my way to end up at the chosen destination, but with a few stops along the way. I'm learning though, that seeking His way first, can lead to less frustration and less days spent questioning why me? After all He promised that His plans were for our good, not to harm us, and to bring us a hope and a future.
Have a blessed week sweet readers!

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