Friday, February 4, 2011

Growth-what I've learned in just the last 2 days

This has been a learning week. Growth is a good thing, sometimes you get it right, sometimes you don't. Learning from the times you don't is growth. So here are just a few things I've learned in just the last two days.
  • Quit thinking poorly of yourself. We would be less discouraged if we would start speaking more positive thoughts about ourselves. (i.e. if you are trying to lose weight, be careful what you say about yourself and the change you see/don't see. Remember the word says "As a man thinks in His heart so is He).
  • The enemy hates when you start getting stronger. Look out, he doesn't want you walking in what God has planned for you.  The enemy is smart too, those discouraging thoughts are his(so don't think them!!) (Yes easier said than done, but I'm finding I'm getting quicker recognizing it each time)
  • Keeping the peace isn't easy when it involves people. God never promised it would be, but do what you can and He'll do the rest.
  • Sometimes God let's us make a mess out of things or at least feel like we have, so that we can see how He puts it all back together. You are not Humpty Dumpty and God is not all the Kings horses and men. He can put you back together when you feel broken.
  • Passion can sometimes blind you to the process in things. Passion is a great thing, especially when you are doing what He has called you to do. Nevertheless, remember that not everyone can see your passion and not everyone knows what He's told you to do.
  • You are the only YOU!! Quit comparing yourself with others and letting others compare you to other people. Don't feel like you have to do things just the same one someone else does. God made you unique, and you are a piece in the puzzle that doesn't look like anyone else. There is a part you have to play that no one else can play. There are people to reach that only you can touch. Love yourself how He loves you and things really will fall into place. When He is all that matters, the other stuff tends to not look so big anymore.
As the old saying goes, I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be. I'm a lot stronger than I used to be, I know who I am in Him, and I know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not perfect, but He is. I'm learning there is a point to everything that happens and I'm learning to be transparent enough to share what He's teaching me through it all. I'm learning to pick myself back up and keep running the race. There is a plan in place that only He can see and I just have to trust Him:-) Remember precious reader, He knows your heart and He knows why you do what you do! Have a blessed weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing God's love and wisdom in your life! You are a voice of encouragement in a world of discouragement.

