Last week God asked me the question you see in the title above. To me I thought it was silly, after all I'd laid it all at His feet(more than once) mind you. Little did I know He would begin to show me what He meant. I had such high hopes for this past weekend(especially since it was a long one), but God had other plans. I spent the weekend on the couch sick. It was a good chance to gain some perspective. There is a peace He can give with a good dose of perspective, but it's costly. Are you done with caring what others think? Are you done with worrying about if what you are doing is right because it doesn't feel that way? Are you done with talking about what's bothering you and still trying to figure it out? Why is it so hard to love other people and not love ourselves? Do what you do because He cares, not because anyone else does. Do what you know is right, not because it feels right. Trust your heart, He does. Sometimes we try so hard to change those in our lives to make it easier for us, but the truth is, the only person we can change is ourselves. Love yourself enough to do your best regardless of what anyone else thinks. Hear me when I say, it's going to hurt. Putting the flesh in its place(aka as crucifying the flesh)...HURTS. We want others to care and to notice what we do, but is that really why we should do what we do? He reminded me of that verse, about humbling yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up. Get to the point where you do what you do because He cares, not because anyone else is going to care or give you anything in return. I'll be honest, I'm in the middle of walking this out. God challenged me to a few things and this blog is just a start to the things that are still to come. There are some days when you just want to SCREAM out, when the volcanno wants to irrupt and you want to make it known how you feel. Sometimes despite how you must feel, you gotta trust Him to make it right in the end. What does that mean? Keep your mouth closed and do what He's told you to do. When someone asks you to go one mile, go two if you can. Do what is right for those in your daily walk, just because it's right. It's going to hurt when others get away with not doing as much, when others take credit for things you had a part in, when others critize what you do....but keep your mouth shut and trust Him. This is easier said than done, because the flesh wants what it wants. So when you fall down(and you will), get back up, tell Him you're sorry, and keep moving forward. When we do things His way, we begin to see through His eyes.
Have I made it to this place where I can do this easily? NO and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do it easily because I need Him more than ever. It takes His strength to keep my mouth shut and some days I still fail at that. (I'm not saying you can't have someone who you can vent to, share your heart with, and just let off your frustrations, but I am saying to be careful who that is). It takes His strength when you see how others see what you do, to keep doing what's right regardless of what they think. It takes strength to love yourself as He does, and not listen to what the world says. You know why you do what you do and so does He. The world may never understand it, but trust Him to shine through as only He can. Perspective is not always easy, but when you can grasp a hold of His, it comes with a peace that makes it worth while. I've made it three days with this perspective, so far so good. I have stumbled a few times, but I haven't fell down yet. I know it may come in time, but I am happy with the direction I'm headed in. I can see the other side of this mountain finally and I'm not going down the way I came up!
So are you done yet with trying to do things your way? He had a reason for why He said to do things the way He did, it's time we start listening ;-)
Until next time
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