Where's your focus at as you end this Monday? Are you thinking about everything you didn't get finished or are you able to smile at what did go right today? Let's get honest and real for a minute. Things are not going to go your way, there will be more added to the list than taken off, and most people are not going to understand. It's OKAY. There are a lot of things I could focus on about today, things that could make my blood boil, things that could ruffle my feathers, things that could make me feel overwhelmed and stressed to the max. However, God did some amazing(big) things today ;-). All I can think about is the fact that He held my best friend's precious grandmother's hand today during surgery and she came through just fine. Those are the things that matter.
So many times we schedule ourselves right out of a blessing. Don't get so stuck on what you have to get done during the day, that you miss out on what He has planned. It may be those extra few minutes just to show someone you care. Give the few minutes you don't think you have away, and trust God to give them back ten fold. A minute showing love to someone is never wasted. Was every minute of my day perfect, nope, but I am a lot closer than I used to be ;-) I didn't do everything right today, but God knows that and tomorrow is a new day.
Love when you can and as much as you can especially when it's not easy or convienent. It will come back to you, He promised ;-)
Who you are is so much more than what you do for a living every day, let the world see who you are not just what you do. What you do may be forgotten in a day, but who you are will stick. I'm a paperwork queen, I'm a teacher, and I'm a technology guru, but that's just what I do. I'm also a daughter, make that a princess of the Most High, and I'm so in love with Him that I can hear Him whisper most of the time.
Your to-do list is a part of what you do, but don't let it be who you are. Sometimes you have to slow down and remember what really matters, it's not always on a list. Love those God has placed in your life and show them, they may never say thank you, but one day He'll let you see.
Until next time
One last thing: Local blog readers.....Sometimes God gives you a desire in your heart/shows you a door, only to see if you have the faith to open the door. With that being said, I'm working on putting fear in its place and I hope to one day step out from behind this computer screen. What exactly does that mean? Well He's still writing that part, but if you are local and read this blog and He brings something to mind where you may need a speaker or someone to share, what you read is how He writes. Email me for more details melissamann00@gmail.com or message me on Facebook. This is a huge step for me, because I'm perfectly content to just be a blogger, but God doesn't always call us to be content.
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