Call it reflecting, call it getting close to my birthday, call it whatever you want, but I'm in a thinking mood;-)
So where are you at? Are you moving forward or are you stuck in one spot? Are you frozen or are you focused on what's ahead? Where are you going and where are you at? So many times we look at this journey focused on what's happened in the past and what we have coming up in the future, but what are we doing with this thing called today. Are you letting what others think matter more than what God thinks? Do you have His plan in view or are you doing the day your way? Is love your main focus or is pride leading this? Where are you at? There comes a time when you need to look at where you are at in your journey and take inventory. Sometimes if you are stuck or find yourself not going anywhere, look around. I bet you can figure out why you are where you are. God didn't call you to walk the journey alone, but He didn't call you to walk with an army of people either. I've said this before, but I'm repeating it again here for good measure. Not everyone you were meant to effect, was meant to affect you. Just because God placed someone in your path to see your light, didn't mean that He wanted theirs to burn you. You are accountable for you period. It's hard to walk straight ahead when you keep looking around at what everyone else is doing. You are responsible for you period. So where are you? What's God doing in your life today? That question was part of the sermon Sunday and it stuck with me. I have several "memory stones" that I can look back and see God's hand, I can see where He carried when I couldn't walk, where He used me to do some AMAZING things, but those are all in the past. They help me stay focused and redirect me when I look away, but lately I can't put a finger on anything "big". At least so I thought......How many times do we keep an account of those "big" things and forget about the "little" things? That time we sent that friend a text just right when they needed it, that listening ear we gave when someone needed to talk, that prayer whispered in the middle of the night because God woke us up, that time you took to believe and invest in someone when no one else would, and most of all those doors that keep opening and the favor that keeps coming that only and I mean ONLY God can give. So many times we look at only those "Big" things God does, and we forget those moments throughout our journey that make us who we are. Have those big things impacted my life, why yes they have? BUT those little things have made me who I am. Hence the title of the blog, moments along the journey. It's those moments along the journey that shape us, mold us, and give us a reason to keep walking. It's those moments that make the diamonds that you share with others. You have a journey that only you can walk. There is a part that only you can play. Don't rush His timing, don't run ahead, and don't open the doors on your own. If you open the door, you have to keep answering it. If He opens the door, He takes care of it all.
If God has given you a dream, let it take root. When it's time it will bloom and everyone will get to see on the outside what has been growing on the inside.
Pretty sure this one is not finished yet, but will have to write more later ;-)
Until next time,
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