Sunday, August 25, 2013

Take Three

Well it's week three of the school year, hence the name of the blog...take three. I can't say the first two have gone according to plan, but I'm making progress. So here's praying third time really is the charm ;-) Seriously...I'm praying God jut does His thing and keeps me focused. So here are some thoughts/revelations as I look toward week 3.

I'm so thankful for the positive journal, because without that right now I could easily focus on the negative stuff that happens all day every day. I'm learning some people are just negative and I don't want to be one of those. I've also learned that thinking about the yucky negative things only makes you stress out more. It's kind of like that old saying, out of sight out of mind, out of mind, out of feeling. In other words, what you think about it affects your feelings. If you constantly focus on the stress and the negative circumstances, then worry and stress will stay with you in your heart. Focus on the positive, what God has called you to do, even if it is simply God's got this, God's got this, God's got this.

I've also learned at least in my situation right now, God's not going to change the circumstances until He finishes changing me. As much as I have asked Him and told Him, I'm pretty sure I'm in the belly of a whale, He has a plan so I may as well smile and go along with it. I have found amazing comfort in those that really know me. Even though I may not always see these people every day, that is just another thing that makes them God friends. I've learned that friends who truly love you for you without any expectations are few and far between. Cherish the ones you have and spend as much time as you can with them. They make you a better you ;-)

We sang a line this morning...."your peace is overwhelming". Oh how amazing His peace really is. The enemy hates peace though and will do EVERYTHING he can to try and mess with your peace. Trust me, I could write a book in just the last two weeks.Well guess what, regardless of how mad I make him....he's a liar and a loser. God's plan for this year is to chisel and make me into more like Him to accomplish the purpose that He has planned. I have two choices, cooperate and do it is His way, or not cooperate and it still happens.  The first is my choice.

Pastor Lon said something this morning in his sermon on if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it about wondering what kind of testimony Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego must have had.  Now at this point, most everyone else was still focused on what Lon was saying, but well God was taking me to the woodshed. Oh was He taking me to the woodshed. He was playing a review of some moments in my life where He had shown out as only He could. See every now and then I have to have these woodshed moments because I get so caught up in the stress of this world that I start to forget.

So here is to take three this week. That's the beauty of grace, I get a take three and a take four etc. I get to keep doing this as long as I'm moving forward until the burned off pieces have fallen off, until the part of me that doesn't look like Him can't be seen. The circumstances look ugly, but as He reminded me today this isn't new territory. We've been here before and walked through the fire not smelling like smoke. I told Him my fears, I gave Him all of my questions and doubts, I told Him my worries and asked Him to carry them all. I told Him to everyone else it looks impossible, but I know with Him all things are possible.

It's take three this week God. Give me words seasoned with grace. Give me a heart that knows no limit. Give me eyes that stay focused forward. Give me hands that reach down while still outstretched. Give me feet that follow each step you take. Give me ears that hear you whispers and most of all give me wisdom to step forward even when stepped upon.

Until next time

Philippians 3:13-14

New International Version (NIV)
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My heart tonight (a just thinking post)

Here's my heart on paper tonight, please don't analyze and/or judge. This is one of my just thinking posts. In other words, it's my blog and I get to share period. Over this past calendar year I have learned so much about me.  I've learned why I do what I do, who it matters to, and what really matters. For so long, I have been that people pleasing person. The one who tried to make everyone else happy and lost myself in the process. I was the one who cared more about what others thought and let those expectations drive what I prioritized. This summer God has peeled back the layers and shown me so much more than I could have ever imagined. Life is short and some things that we put value on, shouldn't really matter in the scheme of things. So this blog is mainly what I've learned, what I'm still learning, and where I still have to go. I'm not where I need to be, but thankful I'm not where I used to be.

I've learned that who I am is pretty special. I've learned that I let what others said and did matter way too much than it should have. I've learned that God knows my heart and He will let me know when I've stepped out of line. I've learned that patience isn't easy. I've learned that His timing and mine are two different things. I've learned that I don't have to say everything that comes to mind. I've learned that I don't have to push replay on thoughts that are not from Him, delete works well too. I've learned that He loves me way more than I ever thought and has more in planned still than I could ever imagine. I've learned that God moments and God friends mean more to me than everything else put together. I've learned that trust has to have action not just words. I've learned that some days it really is just one step in front of the other. I've learned that I do make a difference, sometimes it is seeds planted, some time I get to see the harvest, but a difference is made period. I've learned that I have been the one defeating myself. I've learned that if you don't believe in yourself and what He has called you to do, it's hard for others to do the same. I've learned that I have gifts and talents that I still have yet to fully tap into. I've learned that God doesn't always answer your prayer with someone you can see. (i.e. social media....answer may not be always someone you know).

I'm still learning how to let Him do His thing without trying to help. I'm still learning to rely on Him with it all not just with the big stuff. I'm still learning who to listen to and whose words don't need to take root. I'm still learning what the future holds, but thankful I know who holds the future. I'm still learning to do things without complaining. I'm still learning to not come unglued after I've stuffed my feelings/emotions. I'm still learning which bridges still need to be crossed and which ones can continue to burn.

The kids come back tomorrow, summer has officially ended for 2013. I didn't accomplish everything on my to-do list, but I enjoyed my summer tremendously. I finally grasped some truths that were along time coming and am working to put those in place during this school year. Being a special education teacher is not always an easy thing. Some(I dare say most), view us as paper work holders or assistants.  That is so not the case. Just because I do not have my own class(or even a room this year), does not change the fact that I am a teacher too. It's a partnership and with some students it takes more than one to help them be who they are meant to be. Thankfully last year God used people I have never even met to remind me over and over again how good of a teacher I was and that I had a lot to offer. God will always send us the encouragement we need, it just may not come from where we "expect" it.  God knows my heart. He knows why I do what I do, why I am where I am. My heart is just to make a difference. I still enjoy seeing the light bulbs come on, I still enjoy seeing the faces of those when they do something for the first time. Teaching comes in all different styles and ways. God's called me to make a difference each and every day and to do it His way. As long as I stay focused on that, the rest will fall into place.

Different kind of blog, but as I said it's my heart and a just thinking post ;-) Trusting God to do more than I could ever ask or imagine this school year. Trusting God to water the seeds that are planted, and to do what He does best ;-)

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My coversation with God this morning

It wasn't much of a conversation because He did most of the talking. I understood it this morning, but by this afternoon I really understood it. Through a few tears I poured out my heart and He listened. Then He started connecting a few dots.

I wasn't even on the main highway this morning before He asked His first question. It was plain, Do you really trust me to take care of you? I replied with a quick yes. To which He said then do what I asked you to do and let me do what I do. Joyce Meyer had been preaching on the same subject this morning, so I guess God decided let's build on that.

How many times do we continually ask God for something, but don't follow through with what He has asked us to do. He knows we aren't perfect and that it will take some time for some of it(old habits are hard to break). He knows our hearts and knows where we are on our journey. We cannot crucify the flesh without His help, trust me it will not work. So if you have been trying on your own, pick yourself up, dust off the bruises, take His hand, and do it His way.

He didn't ask us to understand everything, He asked us to trust Him. He didn't say we would be able to see how the pieces fit together, He just asked us to look through His eyes. He didn't say we wouldn't feel hurt, He just asked us to bring those hurts to Him. He asked you to be you because that is how He made you to be!

So before you start letting frustration take over, remember what He has told you to do. That's all you have to do. He will take care of His part. The rest of the drive this morning was spent with Him reminding me of all of those times when He did His thing. Those are the times that really brought a smile to my face, a smile that isn't tied with feelings I can think of two things now that I am involved in that were total God moments. Both require an investment from time to time, but both put a smile on my face regardless of what the day has held. God knows what you need, let Him open the doors, and watch Him do more than you could imagine.

Stay focused on what He has called you to, be who He has called you to be, and listen to the One who loves you the most! 

Until next time,

*One last thing I am noticing this week.....when you truly give the hurts, frustrations, stress, discouragement, disappointments, all of that "stuff" to God He gives you the strength to keep moving forward with a smile on your face. It doesn't mean everything is worked out, it just means you know who is working it out.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Positive Journal

I'm determined to stay positive this year, BUT I quickly realized today it is so far out of something I can do by myself. Why do I say it is going to be harder than something I can do on my own? Because the enemy would rather me think/speak negative and he knows just where my buttons are. I can put up with a lot, just not when I'm hot. To use Duck Dynasty language, I would probably be what Phil would consider a yuppie girl. Nonetheless I needed a feeling crabby shirt by the end of the day.  So on the way home I got an idea....well okay God gave me an instruction. I'm going to start a positive journal in my calendar. Each day I'm going to write down at least two things that happened that were positive. If we focus on the positive, the negative will not have any room. It goes along with that lovely verse in Philippians 4 about thinking about whatever is pure, lovely etc. Negative things and people are all around us, it is our job to stay focused regardless of what is thrown in our path. We are on the journey He has planned for us and right where He wants us to be. So is today a fail, why no. If you learn and keep moving forward, it is a success. Staying down is the only thing that constitutes a fail.

So I'm keeping this journal in my calendar, so I can look back on it as needed on those days when nothing seems to be going right. God's got this and I truly trust Him with it. I may be tempted to pick it up from time to time, but I have learned it's too heavy for me.

As Joyce Meyer has said many times before I'm not where I need to be, but praise God I'm not where I used to be. This is going to be a good year ;-) how do I know? He told me so ;-)

Until next time,

From time to time when I post I may share my positive journal. Here are today's:
1. Unexpected time to work in my room
2. Everything has a place(almost)
3. Lunch at the church(always the highlight of Back to school week)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is anything too hard for God?

Have you ever had a week where God not only brought a verse to you but a song to mind that said the exact same thing? Yeah that would be me last week. The verse was from revival Monday night and two days later I found myself singing this song(which I had not heard in YEARS!). To say this isn't what I needed as I get ready to start the school year, would be an understatement.  This is for more than just me I'm sure.

Here is the verse: “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27

Here is the YouTube clip of the song:

Part of the lyrics: Is anything too hard for God? Whose got a problem beyond His power to solve? Are there situations that He's not the Master of? Is anything too hard for God?

We make God laugh when we try to analyze and work things out on our own  Have you ever given a child something to figure out? They could easily ask for your help, but as they get older they like to try and do it on their own. God stands there ready to do it for us, but only if we will ask. He knows that we will try and do it on our own, but that doesn't change the fact that He is there waiting. So whatever it is you are facing? It's not too hard for Him. It may seem impossible for you, but that's because it is meant for only Him to do. Give it to Him and walk on in peace knowing He's working it all out for your good. Nothing(big or small) is too hard for Him, it only becomes hard when we try to do it on our own. On our own problems will seem like mountains, but to God they are not even the size of a hill. Walk with Him and watch your mountains disappear because you will soon be on top of them.

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reflections....aka I'm learning

Have you ever felt like you lived part of the lyrics of a song? Of course I know most of us have at some point(and some of you are singing a particular song in your head right now). I have learned so much this summer, it is mind blowing but I am so thankful. I'm still chewing on what He confirmed last night listening to Siran Stacey, but that is a blog for another day.

The lyrics of the song I've walked out this summer is from some precious friends and it is called I'm learning. There is a part of the chorus that says...."and I'm finding as the road keeps winding, I don't know which bridges to be crossing or which ones I should be burning, but I'm learning."

So where has this taken me this summer? Most of us have been on that road. The road that keeps winding around and around. We keep walking and staying the course, but we can't exactly tell where we are headed.  Then get to a bridge and the question comes to mind, is it one to cross or one to burn? If you are like me, you spend time starring at the bridge analyzing every little bit trying decide whether you walk across it or burn it and keep moving. Chances are you reason out the burning even though it is the best thing, because you see something good on the other side of the bridge. Good is not always what is best and good is not always a God thing. Some bridges are meant to be burned so you can keep moving on your journey. The choice is knowing which one He wants you to cross and which one holds your freedom when you set it loose. The hard part is listening and following your heart and not your feelings.

So I've spent the summer learning. I've learned some of the bridges that need to be crossed and the ones that need to be burned. I've had it so lovingly put into perspective(Thanks God ;-)) which things matter and which ones really don't. Not everything that seems like a big deal, really is. The same is true for people. Be cautious with who is in your inner circle and who is influencing your heart. Let those be the people whose words you press replay on and for the others, hit delete. God will let you know which words need to be taken to heart, trust Him.

So whether you are on the winding path or find yourself starring at a bridge trying to decide, trust Him. If you will listen, He will show you what to do. For those that need a neon sign, He's even good with those too.

Until next time,
Keep learning!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Protect Your Flame

I am so thankful that I have one more week left of summer break. After the last few days, God's given me a couple of things I need to work on before the extreme routine starts again. I have walked out the "Be careful if you think you are standing, so you don't fall" verses. I thought I had a good grasp, but apparently the enemy knew EXACTLY where to hit me and how many times to do it. So, lessons learned, weak spots exposed, and now time to suit up. Time to get ready for the year and to protect this flame He has lit from going out with every blow the enemy sends my way. So that's what this blog is about, just a few words and revelations I've had so lovingly given to me in the last week or so.

In this world we are living in with the way everything seems to go down, it is important now more than ever to protect your flame. By that I mean, when God lights your fire, protect it! Don't hide it, but don't let the enemy blow it out at each turn either. That flame is what will keep you going through the valley, mountain, or just plain on the journey. There is a difference between a God lit flame and a flame you lit on your on, but that is a blog for another day. A God flame cannot be easily extinguished and doesn't go out just because feelings get in the way. A God flame is one that will keep you going when it seems like nothing else is going the way you think it should. So how do you protect that flame?

  • Be careful whose words you take to heart. Not everyone who speaks to you has a word that needs to take root.
  • Stay focused on who He has called you to be. Well-meaning people can try to extinguish your flame simply because they want to light one of their own for you so you can fulfill a need they have. (Caution: There is a Difference!).
  • Frustrations are two fold. There are frustrations that are meant for God and God alone. Then there are frustrations that are meant to push you to change(aka getting healthy).
  • Not everyone in your life will understand you, and that's OKAY! God sees your heart and knows what He has placed inside of you. You are special and He has extraordinary plans for you!
  • Actions do speak louder than words. You can't control how others treat you, but you can control how you react to what they do to you. Sometimes a word is needed and sometimes it is better to just walk away for awhile.
This may not make sense to some, but if you are in this season you know what I'm saying. God has a unique purpose and calling for each of us. Be patient and know that He is working even when you can't see it. When He gives you an audience, a flame and shows you what is on the inside of you what makes you, you...Don't ever forget it!! The enemy will try to discourage you through every means possible. Remember what He has shown to you and that God flame will get you through it all! That God flame will shine to others even when you don't realize it.

If you had asked me in May what I thought about my candle I would have told you I was burning it at both ends and the wax was gone! He has rebuilt the candle this summer and lit a flame like only He can. That flame scares the enemy and that has become quite evident over the last couple of days. Guess what lose.

Until next time