Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reflections....aka I'm learning

Have you ever felt like you lived part of the lyrics of a song? Of course I know most of us have at some point(and some of you are singing a particular song in your head right now). I have learned so much this summer, it is mind blowing but I am so thankful. I'm still chewing on what He confirmed last night listening to Siran Stacey, but that is a blog for another day.

The lyrics of the song I've walked out this summer is from some precious friends and it is called I'm learning. There is a part of the chorus that says...."and I'm finding as the road keeps winding, I don't know which bridges to be crossing or which ones I should be burning, but I'm learning."

So where has this taken me this summer? Most of us have been on that road. The road that keeps winding around and around. We keep walking and staying the course, but we can't exactly tell where we are headed.  Then get to a bridge and the question comes to mind, is it one to cross or one to burn? If you are like me, you spend time starring at the bridge analyzing every little bit trying decide whether you walk across it or burn it and keep moving. Chances are you reason out the burning even though it is the best thing, because you see something good on the other side of the bridge. Good is not always what is best and good is not always a God thing. Some bridges are meant to be burned so you can keep moving on your journey. The choice is knowing which one He wants you to cross and which one holds your freedom when you set it loose. The hard part is listening and following your heart and not your feelings.

So I've spent the summer learning. I've learned some of the bridges that need to be crossed and the ones that need to be burned. I've had it so lovingly put into perspective(Thanks God ;-)) which things matter and which ones really don't. Not everything that seems like a big deal, really is. The same is true for people. Be cautious with who is in your inner circle and who is influencing your heart. Let those be the people whose words you press replay on and for the others, hit delete. God will let you know which words need to be taken to heart, trust Him.

So whether you are on the winding path or find yourself starring at a bridge trying to decide, trust Him. If you will listen, He will show you what to do. For those that need a neon sign, He's even good with those too.

Until next time,
Keep learning!

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