Sunday, August 4, 2013

Protect Your Flame

I am so thankful that I have one more week left of summer break. After the last few days, God's given me a couple of things I need to work on before the extreme routine starts again. I have walked out the "Be careful if you think you are standing, so you don't fall" verses. I thought I had a good grasp, but apparently the enemy knew EXACTLY where to hit me and how many times to do it. So, lessons learned, weak spots exposed, and now time to suit up. Time to get ready for the year and to protect this flame He has lit from going out with every blow the enemy sends my way. So that's what this blog is about, just a few words and revelations I've had so lovingly given to me in the last week or so.

In this world we are living in with the way everything seems to go down, it is important now more than ever to protect your flame. By that I mean, when God lights your fire, protect it! Don't hide it, but don't let the enemy blow it out at each turn either. That flame is what will keep you going through the valley, mountain, or just plain on the journey. There is a difference between a God lit flame and a flame you lit on your on, but that is a blog for another day. A God flame cannot be easily extinguished and doesn't go out just because feelings get in the way. A God flame is one that will keep you going when it seems like nothing else is going the way you think it should. So how do you protect that flame?

  • Be careful whose words you take to heart. Not everyone who speaks to you has a word that needs to take root.
  • Stay focused on who He has called you to be. Well-meaning people can try to extinguish your flame simply because they want to light one of their own for you so you can fulfill a need they have. (Caution: There is a Difference!).
  • Frustrations are two fold. There are frustrations that are meant for God and God alone. Then there are frustrations that are meant to push you to change(aka getting healthy).
  • Not everyone in your life will understand you, and that's OKAY! God sees your heart and knows what He has placed inside of you. You are special and He has extraordinary plans for you!
  • Actions do speak louder than words. You can't control how others treat you, but you can control how you react to what they do to you. Sometimes a word is needed and sometimes it is better to just walk away for awhile.
This may not make sense to some, but if you are in this season you know what I'm saying. God has a unique purpose and calling for each of us. Be patient and know that He is working even when you can't see it. When He gives you an audience, a flame and shows you what is on the inside of you what makes you, you...Don't ever forget it!! The enemy will try to discourage you through every means possible. Remember what He has shown to you and that God flame will get you through it all! That God flame will shine to others even when you don't realize it.

If you had asked me in May what I thought about my candle I would have told you I was burning it at both ends and the wax was gone! He has rebuilt the candle this summer and lit a flame like only He can. That flame scares the enemy and that has become quite evident over the last couple of days. Guess what lose.

Until next time

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