First week of school and the lessons I have learned can't fit on the pages of a blog or a book. The truths that are starting to take root while they have been felt are not ready for a status or a blog, those will come in time. One thing I do know...the closer you get to that sweet spot, that spot where God has planned for you to be, the spot where calling meets purpose and calling becomes life, that is when the enemy starts to get antsy. I've seen it more than ever this week as I look back on some of the various events. A child of God who is walking, talking, and moving in what he/she was created for makes the enemy a nervous wreck. The closer you get to that sweet spot, the more the enemy wants to send something to throw you off course. For me, he throws doubt, discouragement, and my mouth in my way. God's been can only doubt yourself if you quit listening to what God says about you. Doubting yourself, a child of God, means doubting God. Hmm...let that sink in. Discouragement can only take root if you listen to what others say about you and continue to push play instead of delete. God only called you to be you. He knows you are not perfect and He knows you will mess up, but He also knows what you can do when you let Him take over. Then there is my mouth....(and all of my elementary teachers smile...) my mouth has gotten me in trouble for years. I have learned (FINALLY) quiet and just be you. When I was younger it was because I talked too much, now it is because I talk trying to please. God knows we are not going to fit in with everyone or be in every group, guess what....He's okay with that. God has placed people in our lives that love us for who we are, messes and all. It's time we start being thankful for that, spending time with those, and moving on from the rest. Why it has taken over 30 years for that to finally take root, I will never know, but God and I have talked about a few reasons. Let why you do what you do be to please Him, not others.
I've asked Him some pretty specific questions this week. I've asked Him to move, shake, and remake some areas. I know that means pain, but I also know that's the only way for growth. I'm still waiting on my specific answers, and I know they will come in time. For now, I have to be content with the answer I have're getting closer. Closer to that sweet spot where calling meets life and where purpose meets breathe. Closer to where pleasing Him is the focus and pleasing others is not even in view. Being busy is from the enemy, being productive is a gift from God. Take heart though today in knowing that the enemy would leave you alone if he wasn't so scared of you. God's moving, get ready! Time is precious, be about His business and let Him allow the rest to follow into place. Serve people, Love them where they are, and know that He takes care of the details. One last thing....make sure if you are always the one giving that you take time to pour back into you. Feeling worn and stretched is not a good feeling. I know I've been there this week. The rubber band will pop if you stretch it too thin, and the only person left hurt is the one holding the rubber band...aka you. God knows your limits better than you know your limits. Listen when He says when He says rest. If you don't take care of you, the enemy wins because you can't get closer to the sweet spot of purpose that God has planned for your life.
Until next time,
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