Good! This blog has been in the works for a week, but I honestly don't know if would have been complete had today not been like it was. I've learned over the years there is a difference between bad day and stressful day. Bad lasts longer than stressed, stressed days need exercise, chocolate, and quiet moments with God to just let Him love you. Yep a stressed day and a bad day are two different things. A stressed day can become a bad day if you let it. For me this day was a stressed day, I just needed the complaints to stop and a minute for things to go like I needed them to. God knew today would be like it was, He knew when I got up and I had a song on my mind and a prayer on my heart. He knew I would need to start the day full, because it would drain out quickly. I wish I could tell you I went through today with a smile on my face and a Pollyanna outlook. If you know me, you know my face tells a lot. In other words, I can't fake the Pollyanna outlook if I'm not feeling it. God will get me there, but for now I am who I am and you more than likely can read it on my face. A work in progress, that's me, but I am enjoying the journey. So for those in my path today, I'm sorry. My helper button has worn off and I just can't fix it all. Sometimes we just need someone to listen, to say thank you, and to realize we are doing our best. Moving on.......
I am quicker at realizing the enemy's schemes throughout the day and stressed is one of them. God has broken me from trying to please everyone, but at the same time it makes the enemy mad and he tries to do what he can to put that chain back on me. Hence the struggle sometimes between flesh(trying to keep everyone happy) to the the Spirit(doing the best you can with all that He has given you). God knows my heart, but sometimes that doesn't always come out. Some people will never be happy regardless of what you do (or don't do). The enemy knows what you are struggling with, expect that battle and prepare for it. When you start to feel overwhelmed, get still. God will love on you and remind you whose battle it really is. He can't fight if we are still trying to fight it as well. Take heart if it feels like(or you know) that the enemy is mad at you. It means you are on the journey to what God has called you to do. The enemy wants to keep you wandering not focused, take heart in the focused moments God's got this! The enemy's desire is to keep you so busy that you never slow down long enough for God to show you what He has called you to do and what your gifts are. Find them and better yet start using them or working toward that and rest assured the enemy will head after you. Some days it just has to make me smile and thankful he considers me a threat.
Stressed day, don't let it turn into a bad day. You can't fix it all, but you can talk to the One who can about it. You can't do it all, but you can do the best you can with it. Wearing yourself out will never finish the list, so take time for you. Discouraged, find someone to encourage. You make a difference even when you think you aren't. Most of all, don't be so hard on yourself. You are not a failure, you are a royal heir, child of the King. Do what you do and be who He made you to be. Trust Him enough that everyone won't like you, and that's okay...they didn't like Jesus either. Sometimes I think we forget how much He was talked about, taken advantage of, yet He knew how to keep the main thing the main thing. Wow...what a lead to follow. So thankful He knows what to do and gets it.
Enjoy your journey!
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