Wednesday, July 29, 2015

In season and out of season

I wish you could see the inside of me right now and what I'm this is not the blog on the list that of the four that He already started this week, this is the one He's writing right now.

God's been dealing with me a lot lately on seasons, moments, and appointments. Missing appointments at some doctor's offices can cost you if you miss the appointment. Missing an appointment with God can be costly too, but we don't always see the cost impact right away. Oh God help me to never miss an appointment, a moment, or a season.

When you feel that tug, follow through. When God says pray, pray right then. When God says send a text, send it. When God says write a note, write it. When God says move, move. Too many times we let our lists for the day dictate our day. How many times do we consult God about that list? How many times do we see His interruptions for the day as inconveniences or frustrations? Whew...let that one sink in. We live in a such a scheduled world that often times we schedule out the very blessings He has planned for us that day. No more for this Jesus girl.....

That urge in your heart is there for a reason...listen and let Him tell you what it is. Then go follow through...don't let the busyness of the day rob you of the blessing of the moment.

There have been many times I have told God I'll do that later, maybe tomorrow, or even surely someone else will take care of that right? Only you know what God is calling you to do, don't assume He is asking someone else to do it at the same time or that He is going to call back later. God gave you this moment...walk in it and sow the blessing you will reap tomorrow.

I'm over questioning things, reasoning it away, and coming up with an excuse. Listen when He'll know when it's Him. If He asks you to speak, He'll take care of how it's heard. If He asks you to pray it, He'll take care of how it's answered. If He asks you to do it, He'll take care of how it's done. If He asks you to write it, He'll take care of how it's read.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday Truths vol. 2

Truths today are from John 20

14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.

How many times is He standing right there in front of us and we don't realize it is Him? Oh this one could preach....often times we miss Him cause we are too focused on what we wanted(or just plain busy).

16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).
He called her by name. Let that one sink in....When He called her by name, she knew exactly who it was. 
22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
This Jesus girl had a shout on the inside for this one! Yet another verse that I read with new eyes..Thank you Jesus! 

Have a blessed week!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Minute Walk...

I almost typed I'm struggling today, but I refuse to give the enemy that foothold. So instead I'll say I'm pressing today. Resistance is here, but instead of letting it get the best of me, I am choosing to press back. I'm choosing not to stay in the cloud that feels like it's above my head and am choosing to walk forward even if it's minute by minute.

Sometimes this journey is a daily walk. We set out on our day with God and we move forward with Him knowing that it's His day anyway. Sometimes the journey turns into a minute walk. It's the end of summer, bear with me. I've had this incredible summer. The first month was on me the professional and the second month has been on me the Child of God with a call and a purpose. I'm determined not to go back. I would be amiss though if I said the struggle wasn't real. It's turned from a daily choice, to a minute by minute. I have found myself wondering if I'm strong enough for routine again. If I've walked forward enough for the change to stick. The questions though when I let myself wonder just reassure me of the truth that He has promised. Yes, I'm strong enough..not because I can do anything, but because He can do everything. Yes I've walked forward enough...when you taste what more looks like your heart longs for it to continue. Desperate doesn't go away just because you have one amazing encounter with God. It becomes your daily cry as you seek to live in the center of the will of the One who created you. Yes I'm strong enough for routine because the change is real....I can take that lying devil to the place where the chains fell off when he starts to throw his lies my way. I can take speak the truth back to him that God said He was doing a new thing....Oh change is never easy, but we don't grow without a stretching. Just as when you work out, a stretch is always it is in this minute walk with Him. A stretching is a signal growth is about to happen, yes there may be some pain as well in the process, but the end result is a strengthening for the journey that continues.

The choice to walk forward is yours. God didn't say it would be a daily walk all of the time. He knows what each day holds and He knows some of them are going to require minute by minute choices. Choices to stay focused on His truth, to stay focused on the positive despite the negative, and  to make the choice of what takes root and what is deleted from your thought bank. Those are choices that are ours. He whispers what to do, but in the end we make the choice. I know what the feet glued to the floor choice feels like and I know what the choice to step out in obedience feels like. Right atmosphere in both, choice was still mine...(and yes that is a blog for another didn't even see that picture coming until just now). In the world we are living in right now, time with Him is crucial to survival and to living this abundant life. As I felt the walk slowing to a minute step instead of a daily step...I did a couple of things. I've made a playlist simply entitled Take that Devil and I've started a prayer wall not just a prayer journal. I need a visual reminder daily...I'm stepping in to what He has for me, He knows what that looks like in a big picture sense, my choice is to trust Him each day and to listen.

It's your choice when you feel the walk starting to slow, it can discourage you and fear creeps in, or it can encourage you because why else would the enemy be trying if you weren't a threat to his plan. That in itself is an encouragement to me.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Seasons, Praise, and Moments...(Three short thoughts)

He's working on three longer blogs right now, but the writing is still in the process. These could all be a status update on FB....but then I have to pick how and when to post them. Oh my God's pouring out on His Children that are seeking more of Him and sharing that with everyone they can....Light shone in darkness reveals what is really there, but not only that it shows a path to fix, heal, and move forward.

It's time to start thinking about the new school year, even though it doesn't feel like summer should be ending. (Other than it is still incredibly hot, it's just been a short summer). How many times do we have that in the spiritual realm as well? As we walk forward in the new season God has called us to, it may still feel like the old season, but press on knowing He is doing new things and eventually your feelings will catch up. (Oh how this about made me shout earlier this week....)

The children of Israel walked around the walls of Jericho for 6 days before they saw their breakthrough. They held on to the promise, walked in obedience, and stayed true to what He had asked them to do (even as crazy it may have seemed). They waited for the word and then began to praise Him with a shout on the 7th day. The walls began to crumble. Oh what a picture this is....The walls in our own lives will begin to crumble with our praise. Not just the praise of a clap in church, a hand raised when the song says I'm gonna lift my hands, but a praise because of the promise He has given you. A praise because of the mess you know He's bringing you out of or a praise because of where He has already brought you from...a praise that comes up from your toes and comes out of your mouth. Are your walls just waiting for your praise?
God started this picture with walls coming down earlier this week and then I watched Restoring Hope last night......oh my what a word. (As I have said in the last couple of Periscope if you can and follow them. )

Mary and Martha....oh how I love both of these women and what they stand for. I've had many days as a Martha and not as many as a Mary. I had Mary moments, but not Mary days until this summer. I'm moving into the Mary days that lead to Martha moments. When we have our time with Him, let Him do the filling, there will always be a flow that comes out. Other people will try to poke holes and drain, but for every hole the enemy tries to poke to empty you....God will send a plug to keep filling you back up. His grace, His word, and His truth are constant and the tap never shuts off. Tap into the power and water the seeds He planted so long ago. Seeds need constant water and nourishment to grow. This day here, day there...leaves a dry ground and seeds can't grow into roots. Once the root starts, the fruit is soon to follow....You know your heart, you know what He has said to do....tap into what is filling and not draining....busy with good may not always equal fruit with God.

Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday Truths volume 1

Blogging is becoming more of a passion than a hobby or past time. I've never really had a "set" schedule for the blogs, I've always gone with when He said write..write or when I needed to just write, I wrote. The latter times are becoming fewer and fewer as He's not letting me publish when it's a pity party blog. (Yes I read back through some of my old ones and yeah well I was stuck in a rut and going around a mountain enough times to make me dizzy). My quiet times lately have been eye opening. Scriptures I have read countless times before, I'm reading now going where was that all of these years. Tuesday Truths is going to be just that. I'm posting some verses and some of what God has been revealing during that time. He's been pouring out so much(my Bible margins are full), that I have to share it some how. I will still post on topics and as He leads, but look for at least one new post each week on Tuesdays with some scriptures and a look into my quiet time. I started taking notes in the margins of my Bible a couple of years ago. For me I need the notes, the revelations, the truths right there and trying to match up in a journal format doesn't always work. You do what He leads you to do for your study time...but just have the study time. Books are great, but there is NOTHING like just reading His truths.

John 16
v.11: 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

I immediately thought back to Romans 8:1 when I read this verse. The enemy is the source of condemnation. Oh if we could just grasp that when the feelings start....he wants you to feel like he does since he is condemned. Rebuke it, speak truth as a Child of the Most High.

12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”

There was a shout in my Spirit when I read these verses. This was one of those moments when I said, okay God where was that before. He has to take the blinders off though for us to be able to fully understand what He's trying to speak. The blinders are notes for these verses say : Discernment, Prophecy, Tongues/Prayer Language, and Revelation....The gifts are real and He is still giving them today. 

17 At this, some of his disciples said to one another, “What does he mean by saying, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me,’ and ‘Because I am going to the Father’?” 18 They kept asking, “What does he mean by ‘a little while’? We don’t understand what he is saying.”

He was working for them even when they couldn't see Him. Oh how that is true for us today. Sometimes we can't always "feel" Him, but He speaks peace to our Spirit to let us know....I've got this because I have you. He's working on our behalf as Children of the Most High...always. I love verse 18....what a great question. God gets the questions, He understands our search for more of Him.

More next week....
I didn't want these to be too long. Have a blessed one!

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Distractions was a word God put in my Spirit yesterday. I actually tried to write the blog last night, but it just wouldn't come. I've learned that is God's way of saying not yet Child. The word is not finished yet, the story is still being written on your heart. Thank you Lord for whispers and for knowing that you are faithful to finish what you start. Thank you Jesus for being louder than the feelings, stronger than the distractions....and for speaking peace to an otherwise weary and give out soul.

God is moving, I'm walking it out, obedience step by step (even if some of them are baby steps), It's not a perfect walk, it will never be this side of heaven....but God is faithful. He knows the intentions of our hearts, the desires of our hearts, and what we are truly seeking after. He knows what desperate looks like(newsflash...desperate is something that only He can fill). He is longing for a people to put desperate before opinions, a people that want the fire despite the cost, a people that will forge ahead when everyone else it can't be done. Normal isn't okay anymore, the events of today are requiring more than normal. Lukewarm isn't okay anymore, pick a side....either be hot or cold but quit trying to walk the fence. As a Child of the Most High, we have been given a seed to share....are you still holding on to yours or are reaping the harvest?

The enemy loves distractions. They come in all forms and fashions. Some have a voice, some are a thought, food, a TV show, a FB post, and some are well meaning people. Some can even be a good thing, but they take you away from what God has ordained for your life. Distractions are anything that causes you to lose focus and take your eyes off of the One walking on the water with you. Distractions can cause you to sink when you have taken the step out of the boat. Distractions can lead to discouragement, despair, doubt, and a pretty good pity party. None of these are from God...they are all tools of the enemy to keep us from living the abundant life of joy, peace, and purpose that Jesus died for.

Thank you Lord for the strength to push past the distractions of the enemy this weekend. It happens after an encounter from the Lord, a time of renewing, a refreshing. Moses had to deal with the mess at the bottom of the mountain when he can down from the 10 commandments. He had just had an encounter with God and when he came down, it was obvious the people were going about their own way. The enemy wants to keep us distracted and staying the course of norm. If he had it his way, we would never find freedom....but thank you Lord for your way. The enemy knows that if he can keep your mind going on what other people think, what they say, what they do, how a situation is going, or even how you feel at the moment....then the whispers God wants to send your way aren't going to be heard. The enemy knows those weak spots for you (side note: we have got to quit speaking when something bothers us, aggravates us, frustrates us etc. because he is taking note). There is power in our words and they can bring life or death. The enemy also wants to keep us from letting the word God has for us to take root. Thank you Lord for intervening and moving even despite moments of weakness and for bringing back the word. The day may not always go according to plan, but walk it out. Grace is there with outstretched arms to pick you back up. God knows your heart, He sees that part of you that no one else can see. Trust Him to take care of it and you. You know what God has spoke to you....just do it. The word wasn't given to someone else, He gave it to you. Quit worrying about who you make upset, they don't know where God has brought you from or why you shout, raise your hands etc. When you find freedom, when the chains of tradition, normalcy, of doing things the way you have always done is finally broken, will make you want to shout, run, and tell everyone about it!

Moving forward into this new week..the enemy wanted to distract me over the the past couple of days....but that's because he knew God had a word. Thankful for remembrance, for grace, and for technology that feeds my Spirit and my soul! (Download Periscope app and follow Restoring Hope will be BLESSED!).

It's a new season...its a new day...step by step with Him leading the way.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Greater things are still to come...

I've tried to put into words the last few days and on this journey with God and I'm only slowly now getting them out. God truly honors our desire to seek more of Him, our desire to step out of our comfort zone, our desire to seek truth above doctrine or opinion. Oh sweet readers, He is rising up an army that is seeking truth, not truth as others see it or say it, but truth as He says it. It's time armor up, and walk in obedience. It's time to get off the fence as Christians and start living like He said we could. Oh my the joy, the abundance, the provision that is at our fingertips if we'll just tap into the power He said was within is. Why do we not? Often times we are too afraid of stereotypes, of what other people may say, of what our church may say. Listen up....God is moving, the waters are stirring, He is pouring out His Spirit on those hungry and thirsty for more of Him. Not more of what He can do, but more of who He is. Far too long we have had it backwards, we have sought after God for what we can do for Him, what He can do for us etc. It's not about doing, it's about being. It's about being so full of the One who called you, saved you, and loves you that you can't help, but pour out to others. It's about moving when He says move, doing when He says do, speaking when He says speak, and praying when He says pray. It's about being so close that when He whispers, you don't excuse it listen. Oh don't you's about freedom! It's about hear the chains finally break, the mountain that was round and round be no more, and the breakthrough finally come.

For me, it's about being a Jesus girl and knowing greater things are still to come. (He promised in His word...see John 14:12-14). It's about a power that says I can move mountains, a faith that says I can do anything through Him, and a love that says I can intercede. It's about letting God out of the box that I excused Him away to and only let Him out occasionally. (That's a blog for another day.....but just know God doesn't like boxes of any kind...even the ones our best intentions as Christians may put Him in). His word is still the same, let Him loose.

God honors desires to seek Him more. If you aren't ready for more, don't ask. But if you are sitting there going there has to be more, I laid it down Sunday and picked it back up again on Monday.....there is a freedom. It's a process, but it's possible. God called you to an abundant life and that means trusting that when you give Him your heart, commit your life to Him, and accept His gift...He has your back. He gets your stuff, understands the tears, and knows what you need and even what a few wants. It's a relationship and far too long people have made it about religion. Salvation is just the beginning of the journey, the start of the race.  It's time for Christians to get moving....there is a world out there that needs to know about our Jesus. Turn on the news today....we are truly in the last days. Let's get busy about the things He cares about and sharing His word.....this is what will last for eternity. On that other stuff, ask yourself the question....does it really matter?

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Round the Mountain....

I have been reading back over some of my older blogs. I'm trying to pull some to edit and compile in another format. (More information on that soon....)

I've heard Deuteronomy 1:6 many times (The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, "You have stayed long enough at this mountain), but after reading back over some of my old blogs, still soaking in what God did on the mountain during the Stronger Retreat, and what I've been learning in my own quiet times....and this verse came through loud and clear. It's time child...the Mountain of excuses, of sitting, of staying put because you felt like it is over. The mountain of busyness, of people pleasing, of fear has taken too much of your time. It's not easy to read back over some earlier blogs...(I've come along way in the writing), but I noticed way too many common themes. I'm thankful for peace, for freedom, and for finally moving beyond the mountain. It was a process and I get that now, but oh to be on the other side of it for real this time. (Yep I thought I had been on the other side of it many times before....this time is different.). Sometimes you know it's different because you can look at the pieces through His eyes. You can rest in the boat knowing the One who controls the storms also controls you. Situations don't have to always change for God to change you. Sometimes He does change the situations, sometimes He shows you what He can do through you in the midst of the situation, season, storm (whatever you want to call it). He doesn't change His plan, He changes the way you see it. Oh how seeing the dots through His eyes is the beginning of the connection. 

You may be thinking, I'm already off of the mountain for this round....are you? Only you and God know the answer to that. I thought I was coming off of it to,but I was going around and around the same mountain. I have the blog posts, Facebook statuses to prove it. It wasn't until I started digging down deep, dealing with what He said to, and starting to tell that fear of what someone may think to hush it. Obedience doesn't happen over night sometimes, it's one foot in front of the other daily knowing that He's never going to lead you anywhere that He won't protect you and take care of you. Spend some quality time with Him...not a time when you bring Him your lists of requests, but when you let Him tell you His plans. Time when you let Him do the talking and you do the listening. Then once He tells you what to do, put it into practice. For me, it's getting past this fear of what someone may think/say and just speaking when He says to speak. You know the feeling I'm talking about...the one where you know it's Him telling you to write that note, speak that word, pray for that person(and really pray)....but you let your flesh come up with an excuse and in turn you may miss that particular anointed appointment. Oh He'll bring you others, but why waste one? Life is too short, too precious to spend it doing anything but what He's called us to do. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Being held...

I'm thankful for summer time right now. Time to start new habits, time to be able to stop when it feels like the day isn't going right (notice I said feel...), turn that praise music up, and grab the Word. I'm pretty sure this is what He meant by denying self and picking up the cross daily. We are human, God knows and understands that part, but He also knows how strong we can be when we rely on Him. Busyness gets in the way of our days and before we know it stress and anxiety can find their way to creep into our day. Things are going to happen, the day isn't going to go according to plan always, and feelings will not always be our friend....but He promised to always be there. The situation doesn't always change, but I am learning that how I react to the situation changes me. Peace as only He can give. Situation didn't change, but my outlook on it has. Anxiety is a real tool that the enemy uses to keep our minds focused on anything, but what God would have us to focus on. 

This time of the year for teachers is when we start having to think about the upcoming year. It can also be a time of stress, a time of looking at  to-do list that didn't get completed, or thinking about what all needs to be finished before the year starts. This morning however through the thoughts that started down a path that would ultimately lead to stress...God spoke through. I was on FB looking at a verse I shared a few years ago and it spoke volumes. So I got out my iPod and started my playlist. I love putting it on shuffle and knowing He has control. I truly believe He picks the songs that I need to hear and in the order I need to hear them. This song came on and even though I have heard it many times before, He used it yet again this morning. God whispered through it...

See so many times those thoughts lead down the road to stress because we hold on to them. We truly think that somehow we can still take care of everything, fix what seems to be broken, and take on what only He can do. Oh if we would truly grasp that if we will do what He tells us to do, He will do everything else. Back to the whisper...through the words of this song..He asked a question...Do you want to hold on to it or be held? Let that sink in for a minute...

We all have our own "it's", but oh if we would realize how much easier it is just to let it go to Him. Stress, anxiety, frustration, discouragement, doubt etc. are not from God...if your "it" is leading to that, then it's time to give "it" over to Him. He calls us to obedience with what He has asked us to do, the rest really is up to Him. We are overcomers because of the power and strength of the One inside of us. Let Him hold you today and let go of the "it" that is getting in the way. (Be patient....learning to let go is a process. I'm so thankful He knows our hearts. The enemy doesn't like progress in our process and will fight against it. Focus on the progress and the change God is doing in your life. He's smiling as you seek after Him, take a cue from Him and smile as He holds you as well ;-) 

Monday, July 6, 2015


I attended a retreat last week by this name. It's also the title of a book by a  dear friend and a song by another one. I feel weird calling it a "retreat" because yes we got away to the mountains and retreated from life for a little while, but it was also a Holy Ghost campmeeting. I can truly say I haven't been to anything like it before, and I've been in several meetings. The only full day we were there was Thursday and the Spirit was so strong in that lodge...that you wanted to just sit there and soak it up. It was the atmosphere where you didn't want to move because you knew God was all over that room. There were chains broken, lives changed, healings delivered, and more I'm sure. As we left the mountain the part from Break Every Chain where it says We are an army rising up....came to mind. This group of women whom I was blessed to be a part of are an army rising up to defeat whatever the enemy throws in our paths. The devil may as well get out of the way because this group of women know how to do battle. I've seen that.

So just like any conference, retreat, time away...the next step is to head home. Just like a PD for work purposes...I can sit in the sessions all day and take notes on all of the new tools, send out tweets etc., but what happens when I head back to work. If I don't start applying what I have learned what benefit is it? It's the same with this. God doesn't pour out on us for it to stay just in the moment. He pours out so we can rise up changed and pour out to others. At some point after every revival, every camp meeting, every quiet time, every church service...when God has shown up and shown out...look out because the enemy is MAD. He knows where our weaknesses are, chances are we told him when we were in a flesh moment. Oh my if we could only understand the power of life and death are in the tongue...we have got to be careful with the words we speak over situations. (words of life spoken into me last week).

So yes the enemy knows my weak spots...and today started with one of them. When those times come and they will, we have to know how to speak to our weaknesses and remind them Who is stronger. We will not overcome on our own, but because of the One living inside of us. For me today, the anxiety seed thought it was going to get to take root. It tried for a little while through a couple of different situations....but then I remembered a sweet word a friend shared this morning and God started singing a song to my Spirit. If we will just take a minute and be still..His whispers of reminders are there. For me it was nothing more than to remind me, I've got this. I always have had it, keep trusting me. We are so quick to run to the comfortable zone of stress or anxiety, when He stands there saying I've got this. Thank you Jesus for reminding me today.

Typically when the seasons change, the appearance changes. (I say typically because in Alabama, we may have two seasons in a week). When God is moving you into a new season in your walk, in your life...there will be a change. Pruning may happen, priorities may change, thoughts/desires may start to shift towards His as He is moving you forward. He is so faithful and He truly honors the desires of your heart in His timing.  Change is a process. Be patient...God is strengthening you day by day as you lean on Him to do what only He can do. Release the control to the One who made you, He knows you better than you know yourself. Oh how He longs for us to truly grasp that truth and with open hands leave it all in His.

Someone reading this today may be thinking...well great for you, but I don't feel very strong myself. As a Child of God , take a minute and just talk to the One who knows you the best. Ask Him for the strength He promised His children....and if He shows you changes to make...follow through with obedience. So many times God has already shown us the path to take, the steps to walk, the road to follow...we choose to stay put until we "feel" ready or until we get ready. Ready will never come if you are relying on your own strength. He's never going to give you a road to walk, that He's not walking with you and helping each step of the way. Strength comes when we remember Who it comes from.....God.

Have a blessed week and here's the song God put in my Spirit today. I love the lyrics.
--"not much longer...I'm gonna be Stronger!"

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ordered Steps

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. (Psalms 37:23)

Ordered steps....I can't say I have really thought about this topic until recently.

 And that is where the blog I started last Tuesday ended. I tried multiple times to write it...knew it was the word God was speaking, but couldn't ever finish it. I took it as God didn't want it finished just yet. After the Stronger retreat, I can finish it now. So on to the rest of the post ;-) 

The verse at the top of this post was a verse God spoke to my Spirit at the end of June. I was seeking healing of some feelings about a particular day and ready to move on. I was eager to begin to see that day through His eyes instead of my own.  I had spent far too long looking at through my own eyes at something and I desperately needed His perspective. I am quickly learning with His perspective comes healing, and with healing comes victory, and with victory comes purpose, and with purpose comes walking forward. We are stuck and not moving when we don't give Him the mess that we feel and trust Him with it. Trusting Him with it means not picking it back up again. So I tried to write the blog before the Stronger retreat and it just wouldn't come. I couldn't understand...I knew this was word was from God and usually that means writing time. God however needed me to go to Pigeon Forge and wrap this healing up. God wanted me to wait on the typing because He wasn't finished with it just yet. 

Maybe you are looking at this and going what in the world is she talking about. I'll try to recap very quickly. July 1, 2010 I was on the bus when the Bowling Family had their wreck. If you want to know more about that day, Google it. It was truly life changing. I came home a few days after the wreck and went back to normal(or so I thought). God was working though that day and using it for His glory. I however got busy quickly so it took me quite awhile longer to get my victory over this  Fast forward to November of last year. I saw Kelly and Mike in concert and to hear them speak about that was something I wanted. God knows our hearts and He knows when our desire for more is inline with what He has planned for our lives. If we are faithful to seek Him, we will find Him. Fast forward to April and the Stronger Retreat was announced. At first I wasn't going, I came up with every excuse in my mind that I could because I didn't want to feel my way through that day. Anxiety was strong and I knew it would be even worse that day. The day the retreat was announced I had the WORST day ever at work. I remember driving home and going okay God what did I miss...where did I take a wrong turn. He brought to mind the retreat. I grabbed my card and registered as fast as I could. God knows our hearts and how long the process will take. He started my journey after registering for the retreat....with the help of some wise counsel. The week before the retreat I woke up with this word in my Spirit. I finally could look at that day through His eyes. This girl about had her a shouting fit. Five years after the wreck along with 160 women, we gathered on the mountains for the Stronger Retreat. Tears of thankfulness flowed....tears of gratefulness, tears of healing...Kelly shared more about the wreck with everyone and preached an on time word that God is still using to minister to me. It was out of Ezekiel 47 and was called A river runs through it. That will be a blog later when He finishes it. Kelly said something that night though that was confirmation. She talked about the steps being ordered that day. I was like okay God....I get it. So as the tears flowed, the healing came. Healing to look at a day that rocked our world and know God was in the middle of it even when we couldn't see it at the time. I will never look at the aerial shot of the bus on the bridge the same way again....for God had a river running through it even then. 

Maybe you are stuck in the middle of some feelings about a time in your past. I don't know what it is, I don't have to...but God knows. Healing comes when you tell God how you feel and trust Him to take those feelings and give you His. His word is always true and He promised that things will work out for your good. Give it to Him with open hands and trust Him to give you back more than you could have ever imagined. 

There will be more blogs soon. God's stirring up some things and writing more than I could have imagined.  The last few days with precious friends has truly been amazing. His presence was there and lives were changed.   I'm watching Restoring Hope via Periscope right now...and Pastor Aaron just used the same verse that I mentioned above. My, my....whew if that doesn't make you want to shout. So thankful He knows what we need when we need it and how many times we need it. 

Stronger because of Him,