This time of the year for teachers is when we start having to think about the upcoming year. It can also be a time of stress, a time of looking at to-do list that didn't get completed, or thinking about what all needs to be finished before the year starts. This morning however through the thoughts that started down a path that would ultimately lead to stress...God spoke through. I was on FB looking at a verse I shared a few years ago and it spoke volumes. So I got out my iPod and started my playlist. I love putting it on shuffle and knowing He has control. I truly believe He picks the songs that I need to hear and in the order I need to hear them. This song came on and even though I have heard it many times before, He used it yet again this morning. God whispered through it...
See so many times those thoughts lead down the road to stress because we hold on to them. We truly think that somehow we can still take care of everything, fix what seems to be broken, and take on what only He can do. Oh if we would truly grasp that if we will do what He tells us to do, He will do everything else. Back to the whisper...through the words of this song..He asked a question...Do you want to hold on to it or be held? Let that sink in for a minute...
We all have our own "it's", but oh if we would realize how much easier it is just to let it go to Him. Stress, anxiety, frustration, discouragement, doubt etc. are not from God...if your "it" is leading to that, then it's time to give "it" over to Him. He calls us to obedience with what He has asked us to do, the rest really is up to Him. We are overcomers because of the power and strength of the One inside of us. Let Him hold you today and let go of the "it" that is getting in the way. (Be patient....learning to let go is a process. I'm so thankful He knows our hearts. The enemy doesn't like progress in our process and will fight against it. Focus on the progress and the change God is doing in your life. He's smiling as you seek after Him, take a cue from Him and smile as He holds you as well ;-)
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