Thursday, July 16, 2015

Greater things are still to come...

I've tried to put into words the last few days and on this journey with God and I'm only slowly now getting them out. God truly honors our desire to seek more of Him, our desire to step out of our comfort zone, our desire to seek truth above doctrine or opinion. Oh sweet readers, He is rising up an army that is seeking truth, not truth as others see it or say it, but truth as He says it. It's time armor up, and walk in obedience. It's time to get off the fence as Christians and start living like He said we could. Oh my the joy, the abundance, the provision that is at our fingertips if we'll just tap into the power He said was within is. Why do we not? Often times we are too afraid of stereotypes, of what other people may say, of what our church may say. Listen up....God is moving, the waters are stirring, He is pouring out His Spirit on those hungry and thirsty for more of Him. Not more of what He can do, but more of who He is. Far too long we have had it backwards, we have sought after God for what we can do for Him, what He can do for us etc. It's not about doing, it's about being. It's about being so full of the One who called you, saved you, and loves you that you can't help, but pour out to others. It's about moving when He says move, doing when He says do, speaking when He says speak, and praying when He says pray. It's about being so close that when He whispers, you don't excuse it listen. Oh don't you's about freedom! It's about hear the chains finally break, the mountain that was round and round be no more, and the breakthrough finally come.

For me, it's about being a Jesus girl and knowing greater things are still to come. (He promised in His word...see John 14:12-14). It's about a power that says I can move mountains, a faith that says I can do anything through Him, and a love that says I can intercede. It's about letting God out of the box that I excused Him away to and only let Him out occasionally. (That's a blog for another day.....but just know God doesn't like boxes of any kind...even the ones our best intentions as Christians may put Him in). His word is still the same, let Him loose.

God honors desires to seek Him more. If you aren't ready for more, don't ask. But if you are sitting there going there has to be more, I laid it down Sunday and picked it back up again on Monday.....there is a freedom. It's a process, but it's possible. God called you to an abundant life and that means trusting that when you give Him your heart, commit your life to Him, and accept His gift...He has your back. He gets your stuff, understands the tears, and knows what you need and even what a few wants. It's a relationship and far too long people have made it about religion. Salvation is just the beginning of the journey, the start of the race.  It's time for Christians to get moving....there is a world out there that needs to know about our Jesus. Turn on the news today....we are truly in the last days. Let's get busy about the things He cares about and sharing His word.....this is what will last for eternity. On that other stuff, ask yourself the question....does it really matter?

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