Saturday, July 11, 2015

Round the Mountain....

I have been reading back over some of my older blogs. I'm trying to pull some to edit and compile in another format. (More information on that soon....)

I've heard Deuteronomy 1:6 many times (The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, "You have stayed long enough at this mountain), but after reading back over some of my old blogs, still soaking in what God did on the mountain during the Stronger Retreat, and what I've been learning in my own quiet times....and this verse came through loud and clear. It's time child...the Mountain of excuses, of sitting, of staying put because you felt like it is over. The mountain of busyness, of people pleasing, of fear has taken too much of your time. It's not easy to read back over some earlier blogs...(I've come along way in the writing), but I noticed way too many common themes. I'm thankful for peace, for freedom, and for finally moving beyond the mountain. It was a process and I get that now, but oh to be on the other side of it for real this time. (Yep I thought I had been on the other side of it many times before....this time is different.). Sometimes you know it's different because you can look at the pieces through His eyes. You can rest in the boat knowing the One who controls the storms also controls you. Situations don't have to always change for God to change you. Sometimes He does change the situations, sometimes He shows you what He can do through you in the midst of the situation, season, storm (whatever you want to call it). He doesn't change His plan, He changes the way you see it. Oh how seeing the dots through His eyes is the beginning of the connection. 

You may be thinking, I'm already off of the mountain for this round....are you? Only you and God know the answer to that. I thought I was coming off of it to,but I was going around and around the same mountain. I have the blog posts, Facebook statuses to prove it. It wasn't until I started digging down deep, dealing with what He said to, and starting to tell that fear of what someone may think to hush it. Obedience doesn't happen over night sometimes, it's one foot in front of the other daily knowing that He's never going to lead you anywhere that He won't protect you and take care of you. Spend some quality time with Him...not a time when you bring Him your lists of requests, but when you let Him tell you His plans. Time when you let Him do the talking and you do the listening. Then once He tells you what to do, put it into practice. For me, it's getting past this fear of what someone may think/say and just speaking when He says to speak. You know the feeling I'm talking about...the one where you know it's Him telling you to write that note, speak that word, pray for that person(and really pray)....but you let your flesh come up with an excuse and in turn you may miss that particular anointed appointment. Oh He'll bring you others, but why waste one? Life is too short, too precious to spend it doing anything but what He's called us to do. 

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