Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Childlike Faith

Ask and you shall receive....It's a verse often memorized by children in some class at church. How often though do we let them put it into practice? How often do we stand back and let them lead? I've watched something unfold this year that has been incredible. God has taken a group of kids....and showed them nothing is impossible with Him. He's shown them what faith in action looks like....what asking for something in prayer and watching Him answer within minutes feels like. He's shown them more of who He is...and that has lit a fire in them that is inspirational. It's a fire that has spread...not because of anything an adult has done, but all in what He has done through His children.

If adults could catch the enthusiasm that these kids have shown, we wouldn't need to beg and plead for volunteers to help at church. There would be a waiting list for every department and the rotation schedule, well there wouldn't be one. If adults had the boldness these kids have to share Jesus, our churches would be full...more than that Heaven would be one day. It's not about filling a church, it's about filling a heart.

God sees us all as His children when we have entered into that covenant relationship with Him. That's why He says He wants us to come like a child when we ask Him don't doubt when they ask for things and honestly they are pretty bold at times. Kids never wonder if the one they are asking will do what has been asked, they know they have done their part by asking. Oh how we need to come as little children to Him...trusting that the One who says jump is going to catch us.

What's God asking you to do?  and What's holding you back? Nothing is impossible with dream Child of God with the One who made you to dream...because you see He knows how much your net can hold and He also knows what the catch is on the other side of the boat.

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