Reality check for a minute...I pay more attention to the gas light on my car then I do the gas light for my own self.....The meme that has been going around Facebook about you can't pour from an empty cup, is so true! You have to take in in order to give out. What used to fill you up may not be what fills you now (truly fills you) attention to those things that fill that inner tank up for you. Is it a visit with a good friend? Is it shopping? Is it a certain dessert? Is it time spent with the One that knows you the best? There are things that fill our natural tanks....and things that fill our spiritual tanks. There is a difference, but that's a blog for another day.
God knew where my tank was at from the last couple of weeks. He knew the light was past on and the fumes were real....(whether I wanted to admit or He knew I was close to putting a wall back up and well that wasn't a part of His plan.
36 hours in a place that allows me to be me. Not the me others dictate or request but the me that He made me to be....36 hours that restored some moisture to this dry soul.....He knows what we need and even we don't see that He's answering our requests...He has something even better in mind. God thank you for ordering steps, for knowing when we need you to step in and rain down....and for providing water for our thirsty souls. Thank you for being in control of my tank...and knowing when I needed to pull into the station for a fill up.
Are you trying to fill up your tank with what you think you need or are you letting Him fill your tank up with what He knows you need?
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