Sunday, July 24, 2016

Reflection time...(aka me for a minute)

"There's an anchor for my soul...I can say it is well..."

That line of lyric has been in my spirit since I woke up from my Sunday nap. Summer ends today for is tomorrow and back to a routine. Thinking back over this incredibly fast summer has made me sad in a way. I look back on that list of things I set out to accomplish this summer...and well the list is still there(longer, but there). I look back over the weeks...and I can tell you what I did each and every week...I didn't waste the time, but as I sit here and reflect...did I make the most of every moment....did I leave my mark on the day or did I just walk through it? Did the day leave a mark on me...or did I just go through the motions? Time goes by so may feel like the moment you are in is going to take forever, but hold's going to go by quicker than you think. Are we making moments that turn into memories or moments that turn into mysteries?

Our feelings do not dictate if it's well. They may scream that it's not....but I have learned not to trust in feelings. My feelings are not my friends most days....they speak to the situation, the what if's, the what could have been, should have been , or was. Our natural may feel uncomfortable, but our spiritual can be at peace. The focus then turns into which one are we going to listen leads to being focused on what God's called you to do and that alone. The other leads you to be focused on what everyone else wants you to do. The one you choose to listen to will grow.....because you feed it with focus and time.

Trust means taking a step when you can't see where you are stepping. Trust means not always knowing how the plan will look, how it will go, or even when it will happen. Trust means not exactly knowing what is going to happen. Trust means knowing that the One who put you together chromosome by chromosome knows exactly the steps you should take. Trust means knowing that the One who spoke life into you from the beginning...will continue to do it for you (your part is to listen)...

God knows our inner thoughts and those requests that only He has heard. He knows the ones we speak out loud in our prayer time with Him...and the ones that Our Spirit speaks to Him. God loves us like He does because of who He is.....He loves us because we are His and to Him that is what matters. He loves us enough to speak truth to our hearts even after midnight from a verse that lead to another verse. Truth that jumped off of the pages as the verse to hold on to knowing He knows (the song playing was "I won't go back"...which I fully believe was Him as well). Only He knew what I needed spoke in....

Back to the lyric above....there is an anchor for my soul...and it's truth. God's truth....period. Truth that says Be still and know that I am God....(and when you do...He shows up in the prayer room like only He can). Truth that says I'm faithful and will do it...(and when He does...He reminds you of how far He's brought you and He isn't stopping yet...) Truth that says I will give you the desires of your heart....(Only God knows when some of those will be answered...but He reminds me of this through moments spent with friends who speak life...which waters the dry parts of you) Truth that says being confident of this very thing....(and He reminds you, confidence is found in what He can do...not what You can do) . The anchor keeps you steady and still...even when it may feel like the boat is rocking about you.

Oh sweet reader...if I could open up my heart and share it with you as a visual I would. In the last week I have had a mixture and range of feelings from smack dab in His presence to feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I've had the moments of I can't do anything to the moments of You can do everything God. I've had the moments of "Not enough" to the moments of "You are enough..". There is a shift that happens when you move from what you want to what He knows you need. I don't understand it....believe me there are times I wish I did, but I choose to trust in what I can't understand knowing He understands. My desire is for His voice to be louder than all of the takes choice for that to happen, but God has proven Himself faithful time and time again....and He's not finished yet!

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