Monday, August 22, 2016

Midnight Moments

The lessons from the last 48 hours are enough to fill multiple posts.... but not yet

God's shifting things in place. the layers He has pulled back...ouch but wow. Last week at Overflow was life changing. God poured in and seeds were sown that are starting to take root this week. I feel the push...but as much as my flesh has wanted to respond He has been louder. Crumbs from yesterday are no longer going to fill this soul of mine. I have a place at the table of the King and a portion He has served up just for me. You see I have lived life way too long thinking the crumbs were my portion. Hear my heart...the enemy knows you have a seat at the table... and he is willing to do whatever he can to keep you from sitting in it. (Busyness, people pleasing, insecurity etc.) Take what is yours Child of God...God's got your portion ready for you to feast on. Side will never feel good enough or worthy enough to sit at the table. It has nothing to do with you...He pulled the chair out and invited you to the table because of what He did for you. It's time to join in His feast that fills...

I have been thinking about the parable of the sower over the last two days. When God sows a seed, a word or two...the enemy will do what he can to keep that seed from taking root. Trust God through in...and while it may feel dark ..He's just covering the seed for protection.

I'm thankful for what God did last week at Overflow... I'm thankful for the shift in seasons that's coming.. and the purpose and confidence that He poured out last week.

When the anointing finally becomes louder than the insecurity.....🙌

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