What if God answered our prayers exactly how we prayed for them? Think about that for a minute...would we really have what we are asking for if we knew what His better and best for us was? I can think of numerous times that I have asked God for something (more than once...) only to realize He has answered with something better. Why do we keep asking God for the fish bowl when He has said the ocean was ours to have? (The fish bowl vs. ocean conversation with God and I happen more than it should...#learningtobecontent)
I've been thinking a lot this week. I can't say that's a great thing....because my anxiety has been at a high level. I sent a friend a text Sunday and said if I didn't know God had this and was in the details my anxiety could have gotten the better of me. Oh how the enemy knows what a threat we are...because it's been a shouting match this week...between what I feel and what I know. If I can be transparent for just a minute.....having freedom and victory from something doesn't mean the struggle isn't there at times. It's one thing to be in bondage to something, it's another to feel the pull and know you aren't going backwards because God's got you forward bound. Leaving something in God's hands doesn't mean the enemy won't ever dangle it in front of you again, it's a choice to keep moving forward...knowing that God has greater things ahead of you. An example...grief. There will always be days of struggle (hello who ever said it was #nationalsistersday or #nationalsiblingday has never lost a sibling), but it doesn't have me bound. It's not a cloud hovering that I'm expecting rain to fall out of at any minute. It's sunshine and if there is a cloud it's got manna in it..but that's a blog for another day. Anxiety is not something that binds me anymore...because I've learned to speak truth to it. It doesn't mean that there are not days when I have to scream at it, but it's not a cloud of fear. It's hard to explain if you aren't on the other side of something...but so many times the enemy wants us to think that having a moment of struggle means we are falling backwards. This isn't always the case. God's mercies are new every morning period. You can't add to or take away from the truth of that. God never said walking in freedom would mean walking alone, He's there always.
The last 24 hours have made me think about purpose. I've asked God this week if I missed Him, I've asked Him if the season was up, and I've asked Him more than once for help. Last night I came home from a day that had worn me out mentally and emotionally. I ate supper but it was going through the motions...all I wanted was some time in my spot with Him. I knew that the things that were weighing down my heart last night weren't going to get any lighter until I talked to Him about them. How many times do we keep thinking about those things that weigh us down when God says come tell me about them? Being desperate for God to do something in an area...means you have finally taken your hands off, pulled yourself out of the picture (and closed your mouth about it). How hungry are we for revival in our lands that we are willing to lay aside those things that easily entangle us? The things the enemy is using to distract us from our higher purpose. How desperate are we for God to move among us that we are like the lame man by the pool that we are willing to do whatever we can to pull ourselves to the water that is stirring? God knew where that man was (and no I'm not talking about physical location). God knew that the man was more concerned with making an excuse than getting to His miracle. (Ouch...how many times do we delay our own miracles because of our words? God forgive me...) Motions don't make a difference...they keep you on the fence. Service and Busyness are not synonyms.....the difference is the heart condition of the one doing. Make the moments count and don't waste time counting the moments. Time is precious...and God has you planted where He purposed for you to bloom this season. Don't question the Master Planter. He alone knows when the seasons are going to change.
God never called you to do it solo. Jesus went around with a group of 12, but three knew His heart. Walls are not from God.....build an altar where the wall fell so you can remind the enemy it's down and then move on. When I look back over the last almost 20 years.....I can't help put see the footprints of how He has ordered my steps through it all. The steps don't all make sense but as much as I may feel my life should be going one way, He alone knows the way I should take. Tonight God reminded me of the verse that is before the often quoted I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Verse 12 talks about I've learned to the secret of being content .....Oh how sweet it is..when God speaks that word you need to your Spirit. That's the season I'm in....learning the secret of being content. Content to know greater things are still to come...that there is an anointing I haven't even tapped into yet living on the inside of me, that there is a purpose that God is shifting into place even as I type this blog. It's a season of learning to be content...because I know that He knows just what I need....and I choose to trust Him (and not what I feel).
Different kind of blog, but it's been a different kind of week already...
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