Sunday, October 23, 2011

Free to be Me

There is only one You and only one person who can do what you do. God threw away the mold when He created you and He doesn't make mistakes. There is a reason why you feel the way you do, think the way you think, and act the way you do. God took time putting all of those details into place to make an incredible YOU. That being said, the world today is instant...not only do we have drive thru's and microwaves, but now we do not have to even go to the store to read the newest book or buy the latest CD. It's all a touch a way, an instant download. We are so used to everything coming so quickly that when it's slower, we get frustrated and that often times leads to stress. God doesn't operate on the time table of man, because He can accomplish more in a minute than we can in a day.  We pour more into our day than He ever planned for us to. We let other people set the expectations we should have for ourselves. We've turned into people pleasers instead of God pleasers and we wonder why we are stressed and frustrated. Let me let you in on a little secret, God simply asked you to do the best you could do. Only you and He know what that is, so don't let what other expect from you cause you to doubt yourself or feel discouraged.(Remember there is now therefore no condemnation........) God's not one to lay guilt and condemn you, if He wants to get your attention He will. When He wants you to change, He has a way of showing you how to fix it. Let yourself off the hook of feeling you have to be perfect at everything(He's the only one that has that down), put yourself on your to do list(after all you are on His), do what you can, and trust Him for favor for the rest.

So you may be reading the title going okay where does that come in?? So many times we let other people's expectations(said or unsaid) dictate what we do, how we feel about ourselves etc. God called us to be ourselves. You may be in a situation where you can't be yourself for whatever reason. Sweet friend, He knows your heart!! He will give you time to let the turtle out of the shell and to be yourself around people who love you for you!! I've just came off of Fall  Break which I spent with my second family. These people love me for me and regardless of how long since I see them, it's like it was yesterday. Everyone needs a safe place. A place where you know you are loved, where you can be yourself, and where you can just have fun. Life is too short to not have fun every now and then. (It's all about balance(worship, work, play etc.)). The turtle came out for a week and it was just what I needed!! Who knows maybe the turtle will stay out for a while?

I don't know what you are dealing with/going through, but I know this....God didn't bring you to where you are to leave you. Things may not always be easy, but God has a plan in the end. What the devil meant for evil, God will bring about good. Fear is not of God and if you'll let Him, He'll give you above what you could ever ask or imagine. He didn't promise every day would be easy, but He said He knew how to handle the stress. He didn't say He'd always move right away, but He can do more in a minute than we can in a day. He didn't say you'd have to carry what the world throws at you by yourself, He promised to walk with you and carry it...if you'll let Him. So many times we seek His hand instead of seeking His heart. God's not trying to keep His plan a secret, but sometimes we stay too busy to listen.

I'll leave with a song......Be yourself, not the you others expect you to be, but the You He created you to be! God has things that only YOU can do and He's waiting to show them to you!
In His lap until next time......

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