It says what my heart has been saying all year!
Then this comes through on twitter last night from Joyce Meyer:
You cannot fulfill all the expectations of everyone you know, so you might as well go ahead and disappoint them and get it over with. -Joyce
Then this came through today from Joyce's twitter:
If you are not doing what you are gifted and talented to do, then you are probably very frustrated. -Joyce
Confirmations this week, why yes I do believe so(on more than one thing). So many times we are frustrated, but if we really examine our schedules, how many of us are doing what we are called to do? God gave us gifts not just to sit them on a shelf. Sometimes we are met with opposition when we are trying to use our gifts, but we have to keep doing what we know we should do. That opposition is not from Him, it is the enemy trying to get us to doubt ourselves. You know in your heart why you are doing what you are doing. Others may not understand your gift or may not want you to share it, be patient. Sometimes they just need to see it in action first. Sometimes they still may not understand, but at least you know you have done what you can. Treasure those moments when God gives you a moment in the middle of stress and chaos to do what you love to do. Those are moments you can live off for weeks!
I am not going to try and understand why this year is going like it is, but this is the stuff He uses. Some days I wish someone would run along side me and see what the list and schedule look like, but anyway. This is the stuff He uses, and it's not about knowing why He does, but trusting that He does! We are never going to please everyone in our lives. The sooner we realize that, become okay that we can't make/keep everyone happy, the better off we are going to be(some days I get this, other days I'm still getting there ;-)). It's okay. God knows your heart period.
That last tweet hit me square between the eyes this week. This year has been frustrating, and part of that is I'm not doing what I'm gifted/talented to do. Is that because of what I'm doing? No, but the time constraints and schedule nightmares that have crept into this year have caused that gift and talent to take a back seat for now and been replaced with doing what I can do. I've learned to take those moments when I can be me and treasure them. They are few this year, but God lets me have a few each week. I don't take them for granted that's for sure. You should never have to explain your gift to someone. They should be able to see it and you should be able to trust God to do His part and let it shine through. If you are working hard at making sure others see that gift, maybe it's not time to open it just yet.
You are going to have times when others question you. Don't let their questions cause you to doubt who you are and what He's called you to do. Take that as an opportunity to confidently show what He's given you. The understanding will come for them when He's ready. Sometimes others want to see the gift in action, before they will put their "stamp" of approval on it. God's stamp is the only one you need!!
Have an amazing week sweet readers! Each day is a gift, for the next one is not quite like the one at hand. Enjoy them through the frustrations and realize this is the stuff He uses to shape and mold us more like Him! Patience must be in practice for us to learn how to use it! He's got a plan through it all and as long as you believe in yourself and know you are making Him happy the rest will fall into place! Don't let what others say or not say cause you to doubt yourself. Know who you are in Him and smile!
(Caution note: We are all still human and flesh, so there will be days when we let this stuff get to us and cause us to be down on ourselves, when that happens, climb up in His lap and let Him remind you how beautiful and amazing you are! Then climb back down and keep moving on this journey. )
Safe in His lap until next time..................
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