I promise I will get back to doing more topical posts and some Bible Study ones, but for now it is reflection time again. When I started this blog I never realized I would still be continuing it now. I honestly didn't know where I was headed with this, I just knew I wanted to share what He was writing on my heart. I had thoughts(and still do) of one day putting together a book. I have learned so much over the last four years, but the learning is not the important part. The important step comes when you put that learning into practice. I've said it before and I will say it again, knowledge without application is mere words. God even says to make sure we are doing the word, not just listening to it. I've learned what it's like to run ahead of Him only to get to the place where the storm hits and you realize He's holding the umbrella. I've also learned what it is like to run ahead of Him and get to the place where you can't see the next step you need to take because He has the flashlight. Pride would tell you to keep moving forward and trust yourself to not fall off a cliff(even though you can't see what's going on), but Faith says it's better to step where He shines. Fear will make you analyze the risks of doing what pride says to, and more than likely you will end up frozen in place. Faith says remember who's holding the flashlight, just step where He shines. When we get to those places and we all do, how sweet it is to know He never moved. He stands there with the umbrella for protection from the storm and the flashlight that shines where to step next. When you give someone a gift, you expect them to open it when it's time and enjoy that gift at some point. God's the same way. He gave us all gifts to enjoy, open them when He says to and enjoy them! God also doesn't give you a gift for it to remain hidden. You yourself are a treasure, so shine like the diamond you are! Do what you do because He said to! Living our lives for an audience of One and making that our focus, allows us to enjoy the gift of today. If we spend all of our time planning for our tomorrows or regretting our yesterdays, we will miss out on the moments called today. The moments of today are an investment in eternity. Count the cost of not doing something before you count the cost of doing something. When He calls you to do it, He will take care of the details. Know the difference in season/reason friends and life friends. Some friends are in your life for the long haul, some are reason and season friends. They are in your life for a season or a reason. When you know the reason, follow His lead and when He tells you the season is over, move on! Life friends stay regardless of the storm or the season. Don't fill your life(and day) with so many good things, that you have no time left for God things. Give God your day and watch Him fill it with Him. Be the You He made you to be and just step where He shines!
Enjoy the weekend!
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