God and I have been doing some serious conversations lately and the same question keeps coming up. Different circumstances, but the question still remains the same. Why are you doing it? See God doesn't care about what everyone else can see, He cares about that part that only He can see. He cares about the why behind the what. For so long I got the why part wrong. I told myself I was doing things because God said to, but then I would struggle with moments that I knew were nothing more than people pleasing. When you ask God to make you more like Him and to "break" the chains off that are holding you back, be prepared for Him to answer.(also be prepared that it may not always "feel" like you want it to feel). The process isn't easy, but it is worth it in the end. I'm not perfect, please don't think that. I still mess up on a daily basis and still have days when I fail miserably. The enemy knows our weaknesses and the more determined we get to leave those chains behind, I'm convinced the more he does what he can to try and trap us back in them. Get determined that no matter what the enemy throws in your path, your focus is on where God said you are headed and who God says that you are. Trust God to redirect your focus on the journey when you need it to be redirected, He will. He created us with a purpose and a plan in mind. When we ask Him to work that plan in our lives and then step back and let Him, I truly think we put the biggest smile on His face. It means giving up control, but it means the one who controls it anyway is in charge. It means knowing that feelings are not what dictates your decisions, but discernment and wisdom do. When you slow down and run everything through a heart check, it changes your perspective, your focus, it changes you. Let's face it...if we are getting honest changing ourselves is all that we are responsible for. If we will focus on letting Him do what He wants in our lives and changing us from the inside out, God can use us to change others.
So why do you do what you do? These are just a few of those questions that He asked me.
- Why do you do what you do?
- Why did you post what you did?
- Why did you eat what you just ate?
- Why did you say what you said?
- Why did you say yes? Why did you say no?
Ouch...even typing these again made take a minute again. We aren't fooling God. He knows why we do what we do and then some. I am just so thankful and grateful that He loves us enough to love us through this stage. He knows that with time we will mature and seek after One, Him. He knows deep down what our hearts desire is and the moments that drive us to do what we do. He knows our strengths and our strengths in Him(also known as our weaknesses). God doesn't waste a minute or a moment of our lives. We are the ones that decide whether we are going over the mountain and on to a new level with Him or around the same old mountain until we realize who we are in Him. We have an incredible power as Children of the Most High that we do not tap into enough. Be who He has called you to be, do what He has called you to do, and when the enemy tries to make you "feel" a certain way about something remind Him what God says. God will never call you to be anybody but YOU!
So why do you do what you do? Only you and God know that. Wherever you are at on the journey, know that He is patient and loving you right where you are at. Do what you do for Him and truly live your life for an audience of One. It may require, actually it probably will, require getting out of the boat, but you will never know that you can walk on water if you do not take the first step. In the end my heart's desire is to simply hear Him say well done.
Stay focused on the journey,
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