Monday, June 9, 2014

When the change takes root....

Before I even get started on the blog, here are some lessons from the past 24 hours(Pretty sure they will turn into blogs later).

  • Be careful who you let inside of you. Some words of well meaning people can be used by the enemy to sow seeds of doubt etc. Push delete before they take root! 
  • If God opens the door, He is responsible for closing it. Some doors are for seasons others are for reasons. Let Him decide when it's time to move and just follow. 
  • Guard your heart........Too many times we listen to "advice" that starts to take root. When if we stepped back, we would see the seed isn't something we want planted.  Some connections are for recharging and some are draining. Know the difference and listen when discernment aka your gut gives off the warning signal.
  • How you see yourself is more important than how others see you or even what they say about you. Quit accepting labels that are not from God! 
  • Obedience period....It unlocks the power that we could only imagine. We hold the key to it because God has already told us what to do. At least for me, He stands asking...Well? 
  • Layers are amazing things....when He starts to peel them back be ready. He will put things in perspective like you never imagined and allow you to see that thing with which you "struggle" through His eyes. 
Okay on to the blog for the night(Yep I'm trying to get on a schedule this summer and make this a regular thing between this blog and my Tech one.). 

How do you know an old habit has been broken? When you try to revert back to it and it hurts. So I've been working on this losing weight thing for YEARS(at least for the last ten for sure). The last couple of months though, Advocare has changed my eating habits. Well I've changed my eating habits but their products and God have helped ;-) I didn't realize how much change had taken root until last week. I was out to eat at a conference and I ordered a pasta dish. I started eating and the old me wanted to keep going. The new me was becoming full fast. Now I was raised in a clean your plate house and we don't waste food. (Hence my weight struggle). So the old me kept trying to eat and then it started to hurt. I had to push the plate away because I was physically about to be sick. It was then that I started to realize, maybe there was a change going on....(How many know we are the last person to see the change that everyone else sees?? 

Sometimes it is hard to see the change taking root because we can't see under the soil, but when the sprout appears we know it is there. What change has started happening in your life? What old habit has finally been broken? Can you tell you are becoming more like Him? If you revert back to the old way just for a minute, does it hurt? You know the change has taken root and you are becoming more like Him, when those old habits hurt. When God makes you uncomfortable about the things you used to be comfortable with, when He starts to become louder than others and discernment aka that gut feeling is listened to first instead of later. (I'm a work in progress....)

Change hurts and when fire is applied it may sting at first. God is using that process though to purify your heart and to focus you on what He wants for your life. He may have put a vision in your heart, a dream that you know will one day come true. Be faithful in what may seem like "small" things, for God sees them as seeds for something bigger. Bloom where He has you, so He can prepare to where He's taking you. Let Him show you what you look like to Him, because He sees you as a treasure! 

Still learning on the journey,

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