Tuesday, December 2, 2014

He knows your heart....Do you?

So November has been a month of revelation and growing(in more ways than one). During one of my lovely truth sessions with God, He asked me a question. So many times I've been known to quote and say how thankful I am that He knows my heart. So He asked me, if I know my heart. I sat there with a puzzled look and I think He could tell. He went on to explain. So many times we are thankful that He knows us and sees our heart, but have we ever stopped to look at our heart the way He does. Why do we apologize for things that are a part of the way He made us? I've often times said I care too much or my heart is too big and I told Him this week how sorry I was for those statements. We can never care too much or have a heart too big. He made us that way for a reason. Now our focus may get off and we may care about the wrong things too much or let our heart be focused on fleshly things for too long, but caring and having a big heart are part of what makes me me. God forgive me for the times when I have apologized for the heart you gave me, my heart. Help me to always see it the way you see it!

Take a minute today to let Him show you your heart the way He sees it. Then take that revelation and walk forward into the next season of your journey. Seeing yourself and your heart the way God does unlocks chains that allow you to freely walk from one season to the next. Stay focused on those truths and remember the chains have been unlocked and broken.

How blessed and sweet it is when we realize the keys to unlock the chains the and the stones to slay the giant have been in our hands all along. How even sweeter it is when we realize the power to use both has been inside us as well. #He'sgotthis

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