I told someone yesterday that there had to be a blog in the day. God doesn't waste a moment, He uses all of our feelings, all of our diamond days for His glory as long as we let Him. This morning the verse 1 Corinthians 14:33 has been in my Spirit. It says God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. Looking through the various translations of this verse, chaos and confusion are also used for disorder. This time of the year emotions are on a heightened state. People are running around in busy mode, but let's not forget what should be our focus of the day. If you are feeling chaos and a sense of disorder...stop. Go back and look at your day, your week, your moments....where did you slide from peace to that sense of chaos? Now run back as fast as you can ;-)
I don't know about you, but once you have felt His peace you don't want to lose it. Peace amiss the storm, peace knowing He's got it all under control, Peace knowing He's got you......that sense of chaos and disorder is NOT something you want to feel. Now once you run back to that moment of peace, ask Him to show you where you took a turn. Which window did you open that let the enemy in? What door do you need to shut? It may not be a physical door you can shut, but you can stay focused when around that door on the One who has called you. (Remember He is faithful and He will do it). He doesn't leave you to fight the storm alone. Trust is sleeping in the boat letting Him worry about where the boat is headed and what it is about to encounter.
My week started out with peace, but it ended with a feeling of chaos. Through lots of tears and sorting it out, I found where I took a turn. I found the window that I left opened. Sometimes we open windows in our state of busyness and don't realize they are open until we find ourselves in a state of chaos and disorder. Run back and close the window.....God will help you. I may blog about some more of that in detail later, but not right now. God's still working on healing the scars the chaos left. I'm so thankful He uses them to make us stronger though. The enemy would love for us to stay defeated....don't let him win! Don't stay in the state of chaos, disorder, and confusion....It's not of God and not what He has planned for your journey. He wants you to learn from those chaotic, confusing moments and move forward. God has a unique plan and the more you find out about it, the more the enemy seeks to make you forget it. Be who He made you to be. People can either like that person or move on, but regardless He is smiling(which is what it is all about in the end!).
Peace in Him also creates a confidence in Him. Word of caution...let Him be the words that come out of your mouth. As you start to see in His mirror of confidence, it will start to show on your outside. It may not always be well received by others. Stay focused on Him and let Him take are of the words and shinning through to others. Stay focused on Him and let Him worry about letting others see Him.
Focused on the journey,
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