Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lessons from 2014 make for a stronger 2015

It's New Year's Eve time for reflection on the last 365 days.....

This could be a long draw out post, but it won't. Too much to do today before heading to my home away from home. (No I'm not talking about work, I'm talking about Hendersonville). The lessons from 2014 could fill a book. I've written more blogs this year than in years past, and there were still countless blogs that never made it to the computer. Those blogs stayed between God and I. One day they may be ready to type, but I'll let Him tell me when. 2014 was a busy almost whirlwind year. Looking back on it now, it had to be to propel me to this season, this point in my life. There is a shift going on in the world, in the heavenly atmosphere...things are changing, but the One who has never changed knew exactly where we would be at this time in history. He knew before Jesus ever was born how the events of 2014 would impact society. It's time to push down the fences and choose a side. It's time to make sure the light of His love shines through. It's time to listen when He says move and listen when He says do. Quit reasoning away that voice when you know it's Him.

I learned a lot in 2014, but the most important thing(and I'm ashamed to say this at 32) is that I finally saw me as He sees me. I can now look in a mirror and see me through His eyes and not my own. I know how to say Hush it to the enemy when those feelings come into play. Looking back over 2014, I can see how God put me where He wanted me right when He wanted me there. I can also sadly see some things I missed all because I was "too busy" or not focused on what He had called me to do. Those are moments not to look on with regret, but to look on and remember to not let 2015 have any of those. Moments are never wasted if we allow Him to use them to make us stronger. 

As you think back on 2014, smile at the 365 days that have passed. Even for the days that made you cry, smile because He carried you through them sweet readers. God has even more amazing things in store for 2015 I can feel it and I believe it.  Give Him your ALL(feelings, thoughts, chains(He already has the keys), situations, YOU) and watch Him move in this upcoming year. You say it's impossible, He says just watch. Trust means letting Him guide and stepping where He steps. Trust is knowing that regardless of how you feel or what others around you say, He's got your this and that because He has you! Trust not only unlocks chains, it breaks them to the point of not being able to find them again.

More to come tomorrow ;-)
Enjoy the last of 2014...

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