Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday thoughts....

There is a shift going on in realms we can't see with natural eyes. There is a call going out to hearts that are listening. There is a charge being issued for soldiers armed and ready for the battle. There are chains breaking and falling away as those who have been wrapped up in things not of God, run full force to the One who Created them. God is moving...the waters are stirring and the anointing is flowing...If you haven't seen it or felt it, check your location. Are you where you need to be with God? Are you going through the motions with chains around your own ankles content to just stay in the boat? There is a season where God's okay with us staying in the boat, He knows we need rest and restoration, but these days we are living's time for Children of the Most High to step out of the boat. 

Now I know what you are thinking, but the boat is comfortable and I'm not a fan of taking risks. Listen...neither is this non-swimmer. When God gave me that one day, I was laughing through the tears because it is so true. Sometimes we hang on out of fear, when God is saying "Just trust Me, I've got You." Fear will keep you in the boat, fear will keep you comfortable, and fear will keep you playing it safe. Fear will tell you to do this much and not anything more or listen to this or that opinion, fear eventually paralyzes you. Fear is a chain keeping even Christians from living the life that God truly called them to live. The life He sent His Son to die on the cross. Hear my heart....Jesus took all of that mess with Him to the cross, He already went through the pain, the agony and the stress of it. He took care of it so we wouldn't have to. Then three days later He showed us how to walk in victory. He did what He did that die to show us the power on the inside of us. Let that sink in...the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives on the inside of you. I know it's a song we sing at times, but do we ever think about the words. God has given us authority over everything the devil puts in our paths. We may not always be able to kick it out of the way, but we can step over it in Jesus name. Fear is the root of playing it safe, and if we are following the steps of the One who made us, the One who called us, saved us...why are worried about safe? God says His plans are for our good, not to harm us, but to prosper us and give us a hope and future. 

You may be reading this thinking, but is He listening?  I've done everything He's asked me to as far as I know, but it seems like I still have a long list of prayers that I need God to move on. I'm trusting Him, but this timing thing is wearing me down. Oh sweet child, just hold on. God is never late even if it feels that way. That feeling is from the enemy because He wants you to miss the beauty of God coming in and taking care of you right on time. He knows what you need and more than that He knows when you need it. He has heard your cries and He knows right where you are at. He's ready to move in and take care of your needs...are you believing Him? Have you taken your hands off of it, so He can put His hands on it? So many times we pray for something pour our hearts out to God and then as soon as we say Amen our minds start talking that fear mess and we start worrying if God's gonna answer. When you say's done in Him. Let Him work and just follow His lead. 

This is a different kind of blog today, I know....but it's my heart right now. I've started five blogs this week, all titles that God has laid on my heart, but none that He will let me finish just yet. God's moving, God's pouring out....His presence has been incredible this week in church and in my own quiet times. I'm humbled and in awe at this season right now. This year has been a chain breaking year, I've seen Him unlock each and every one and not just unlock them but to break them and move them so far out of my hands, I couldn't put them back on if I wanted to. The enemy still taunts with some, but God is greater...and I've learned to take the enemy back to a place or two this year. The enemy can talk all he wants to, God says I don't have to listen. I'll blog soon with more of the journey and how the anxiety and insecurity tried to push their way back...but God stepped in and said "Not today". The enemy will attack where God is using you. That's a truth I've learned in vivid ways the past couple of weeks. Fight hard reader...for God is looking for someone willing to stick through the battle. God is looking for a David who despite the size of the giant says, You can come against me with sword or spear(aka weapons of the world), but I come against you in the name of the name of the Lord. It's in the name of Jesus chains are broken, hope is restored, lives are made new, and the enemy is defeated. 

Walk in victory today knowing that God has already gone before you... 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Let me remind you again devil...

Preaching to myself, but if it's for you as well, then have a shout or say Amen whatever you do ;-) 

Let me remind you again devil that you have already been defeated. You have lost this war that you seem to want to continue fighting. You have done your best the last couple of weeks to push every button I have, to speak every lie you could throw my way, and pushed the feeling limit to the test. You have tried and let's face it, you may have even thought you had won for a moment....but guess what devil you lose. You are defeated and under my feet. My God is bigger than you, stronger than you, and louder than you. He's got your number and knows each and every scheme/trick you have in your playbook. In fact devil, my God knows what you are going to do even before you do. You have tried to take my praise, you have tried to take my confidence, but guess what my God is louder. Are you starting to get the picture? You are toast. You need to go back to where you belong which is, well you know. This may be a war and yes the fire is hot right now, but I'm going through it because He's got me covered. You've taken your best shot...but this girl's a fighter and I'm up and moving forward. You can't have my confidence because my confidence is not in myself. I know I can't do anything without Him, believe me He already made that lesson really clear. I'm confident that He's going to finish what He started and well we both know what my God has started cause it's got you scared. You can't have my fire because you didn't light the flame. God started it and God is going to keep it going. You can't have my purpose because God has my steps ordered and planned already. You can't have my season because it's blooming time. You can't have my energy because God is restoring it day by day. You can't have my words because God has a plan for them already as well. You can't have my oil, because my praise is going to unlock chains. You lose devil...there's nothing of mine that you can have. Feel that? Yep that's what a squash feels like....get used to it devil cause this girl is stronger and just plain mad at you. 

God's presence is priceless. He's been a faithful constant this week despite the feelings, the tears, and the moments where I was scared I could turn into a pillar of salt. The enemy has turned up the heat this week but my God used that heat to light an even bigger flame. He will finish what He started, He promised that. Oh Father thank you for Your revelation. Thank you for being my constant, thank you for being my covering, and thank you for being my protection. Thank you for loving me through my moments where I'm not even sure I love myself. Thank you for being You and for loving me for me. Thank you for ungluing my feet in July and for ungluing my mind tonight. Praise you Jesus! 

Whew this girl's about ready to take a run and is definitely having a shouting moment....I wish I could tell you what the journey over the last two weeks has been, but it's hard to put into words. It's been a Feeling Fog so to speak. The enemy has thrown more darts than I care to count from places and sources that I didn't see coming. I'm not surprised by his tricks anymore, it's just another page in this journey of moving forward. God's been faithful...with each bump He never let me trip over his mess. Each feeling always came with truth and revelation. God's promise of the One who has called you is faithful and He will do it...was truth to stand on. God is never late and always on time...He hears the cries of our heart and knows when we need His filling. He knows when our tanks are on empty and when they are on fumes and He promises if we'll pay attention to the gas light (the warning for another day), He will always provide a filling station presence filled moment. He's not going to leave you stuck on the side of the road because you ran out of gas somewhere. (Let that visual sink in for a moment...because for me it was a shout!) 

I don't know what you are going through right now or where you are at on your journey, but God does. God knows each and every dart the enemy has thrown your way. He knows every word or action that has hurt you, every moment that has drained you, and every burden you have tried to carry on your own. He knows sweet child of His and guess what He has heard every one of your cries. He is right there with you saying just keep walking forward I've got you. Like a little child taking their first steps unsure of how many they can do, but they keep walking towards the parent encouraging them along the way....He's been there right in front of you. You may have felt stuck, but God didn't see it that way. He didn't waste a moment and He's been working for you the entire time. He always finishes what He starts, have confidence in that truth...He's faithful to His children. 

God move right now for each person reading this blog. Speak life into those that are feeling stuck, speak peace to those that are feeling overwhelmed, and speak truth to those that are ready to squash the enemy and move through this. Thank you for meeting us right where we are and for never leaving us. You cover us and we are thankful. Thank you for being our covering and for loving us right where are, but also for loving us too much to let us stay there. In Jesus Name...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Why are you still holding on?

My heart has been burdened for the last couple of weeks. I haven't really been able to put words on it until today.

God's power and presence is stronger than ever before on His children. It's a Joel 2:28 season and the waters are stirring for those ready to step in to the miracles and the power that God has planned for them all along.

The rattling you hear is God picking up the chains around your ankles going, "Child will you please let go so these fall off..." . The rattling you hear is God putting the pieces together and so desiring to breathe life into you. Oh hear my heart God desires for you to have freedom and to have it now. He wants you to be able to run this race with nothing holding you back. How far can you run with chains still around you? How far can you run still holding on to your stuff, your mess? For those of you reading this right now going but you just don't know what I'm holding on to...I can't let it go. Umm, you are right I don't know, but God does. I do know that He made you in His image and that mess and that stuff is not from Him. Leave it to the One who knows all about it anyways and move forward in Him. You have already tried it your way, you've tried to fix it....How's that working for ya? You can't fix it, you can only give it to the One who can fix it all. Quit being comfortable with chains and a mess in your hands. God made you for freedom Child...

What are you waiting for? Comfortable is lukewarm. Let that sink's not an easy truth, but it's that the truth. God never planned for you to be lukewarm. God never planned for you to be comfortable. He planned for you to live a life of abundance leaning on Him each step of the way. It's not always going to feel comfortable, but it's yours. Yes you may feel like the fire is being turned up when you take the first step. It's God shifting you from lukewarm to hot. God will do His part once you do yours and take the first step. Take that foot off the floor where the enemy said it needed to stay and step in to what God has planned for your life all along.

You've put a band-aid on it for too long. God said quit covering it up and let Him heal it for good this time. As a kid I remember I hated the peroxide and things it would take in order for a scrape or cut to heal. It hurt and I would rather just have a band-aid. It's time to move past the band-aid Child. God's saying I know this may hurt at first, but if you'll just trust me healing is coming. Let God do the healing...and know that as a loving Father like He is....He's going to be there to wipe the tears as the healing happens and to hold your hand when it hurts. He's even going to be right there to blow on it if that's what you need. God isn't telling you to heal it yourself., He's saying "Let me do it". Hands off child and let your Heavenly Father restore you. As soon as you take your hands off of it, God can put His hands on it.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

War Weary

The battle was never meant to be easy. It's going to wear you out at times, but it's what you do when you know you are worn out and weary that determines what happens next. It's the choice of whether you soar on the wings of eagles or soar into the pit of pity. Are you going to take a step back and see what's going on through His eyes or are you going to keep looking at it through yours? Oh if we could just see things through His eyes more often, we would save ourselves some heartache and frustration. God doesn't waste a moment and even when it feels like He's running late...He's not. His watch keeps time according to Him. We would do well to remember that truth (and to ask Him to help us walk in His time). God's moving...if you haven't figured that out yet, throw the rock off that has been keeping you down and look around. The waters are stirring and He is pouring out His presence like never before....Are you jumping in or making an excuse to stay in your comfort place? 

So what does jumping in look like? Jumping in means realizing that there is more than just worship with Him on Sunday. It means realizing that God made you for a DAILY communication. He wants to be a part of your life not just your weekend. He wants to be a part of everything you do. Do you understand what part means? You do what He tells you to do and He takes care of the rest. Let that settle in...when we approach situations, circumstances as stressful as they may be relying on His strength not our own, we are taking the first step in our part. His covering comes when we step where He told us to step (and with the right heart..not out of fear). So many times though we step out of obligation, we step out of busy, we step out of fear. God's word says He finishes what He starts and that He is faithful to do it. Are you stepping where He says to? The battle is full of His steps, but they are steps towards victory. 

I'm a visual stay with me for a minute. Your armor's on, you are marching ahead in battle carrying your shield of faith. You know God's got your backside covered and He's leading the charge ahead. The enemy starts firing. You use your shield to block and you keep marching. At some point, you start to grow tired. The feeling grows, but you keep pushing through even though that shield is starting to grow heavy. The enemy whispers in your ear...put it down, take a rest. You look up and God's still moving forward so you know you have to keep pressing, but the heaviness comes back. You are starting to see more of the enemy's fire coming around you and instead of looking forward you start feeling. You're not looking ahead any more with purpose, you are looking ahead with feeling. (There is a HUGE difference here that's a blog for another day). Again the enemy whispers just put it down, take a rest. You know enough in your heart that you aren't putting it down, but you know you can't move forward at this you stop. You stand still, shield still in hand, but you are still. The feelings are still fighting for focus which plays right into the enemy saying take a rest and put down the shield. So what do you do when the enemy comes in like a flood? You trust that the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19). You stand still, despite the feelings raging and the enemy's talk, and you trust that God is never late. God knows your heart, He knows your purpose and He's got your back. He sees the enemy screaming to those feelings, but He also knows how strong you are(even though you seem to forget it at times). Then at the moment when you've stood as long as you can....He steps in and goes It's time. At this point you are going time for what? That's when that eagle sweeps in and you feel what it's like to ride on his wings for a few minutes of rest. No you never put that shield down, but you are safe in the covering and protection of the commander. You know you can't stay on the wings for ever, but for the few minutes you are rest. You rest and let God speak life back into the drained reservoir you have been trying to battle out of. You let Him speak life through the people He has placed in your life to do just that. (At this point, you check your power source and what you are plugged into. You may have your plug into a good surge protector, but if that surge protector isn't plugged into a power source that is connected to a the main power can't charge up. Let that picture sink in...It'll be a blog later). Then when the eagle sits you down, you start walking forward with a pep in your step and shield in hand. Yes the feelings are still there and so is the enemy, but the power that lives on the inside of you, the Spirit that healed the sick, raised the dead, that same power is louder and in control. 

We all grow weary, that's a part of the race. There is a difference in growing weary from well doing (that's being busy for the wrong reasons..doing a lot of good not a lot of God) and growing weary from the battle. We all have to take time to plug in and recharge. Some days may drain our batteries more than others. If you don't take time to fully charge at some point, it will take even longer to charge up the next time. Weary and pressing, just hold on...God's never late and your answer is coming just when you need it. Answering when you want Him to feeds your flesh, and that's  not God. God will always answer when you need Him to, If you are feeling war weary, tell Him. He gets it I promise. There have been many nights this week that I cried out and said God here take it. I through it all on Him and just said now hold me. God can hold on to both us and our stuff, but we can't hold on to our stuff and God.  

God thank You for being You. Thank You for loving us like You do and taking care of each step we take. Thank you for having our backs and for knowing when we need you to step in and let us rest for a minute. Thank you for understanding our hearts even we can't get out the words. God you know the hearts of those reading this.....speak to them right where they are. For those that are pressing, encourage them Lord to keep taking the next step. For those that are starting to feel the heaviness of the battle, remind them you have their back and that they are covered by You. For those that have had to stand still for a minute and are fighting the feelings that have started....God be louder than their feelings with your truth. Stir up the Spirit that is within them, send someone in their lives to speak truth and life into them right where they are, and remind them that you offer rest. Thank you Lord for putting bones back together...speak to the wounds and breathe life back into the ones that need it. In Jesus name....

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Have you asked Him?

This was a pretty blunt revelation in my quiet time last night. A quiet time that started off one way and ended with tears of thankfulness that He loves us enough to be patient as the revelations take root. He's patient enough that He doesn't rush it, but He knows when the ground is fertile and the seed planted is ready to bloom. God knows when you are ready for it(even if you don't feel ready).

The table has been set and the guests have all arrived. They are all lingering around talking when the host comes in the room. The host asks the guests to join them at the table for dinner is ready.  (Remember I'm a visual person...)

God is with us always, He never leaves our side when we are His children. He walks with us through the valleys, the storms, the mountains, the fires, and even the paths we take because we made our own choices and didn't listen to Him. He doesn't leave His children. His children may make the choice to leave Him like the prodigal son did, but God doesn't leave. While God walks each moment of the day with us, He wants us to invite Him to be a part of our day. Just as the table was set, the guests were all assembled and were there, but while they were there they were still waiting to be invited to the table. God set our table for us when He gave us the gift of the day. He is with us, but still wants us to ask Him to be a part of our day.

How many times have we asked God to bless something, but never asked Him to be a part of it in the first place? Oh let that sink was a heavy revelation for me last night and brought many tears. God wants to be an active participant in your life not simply a silent participant holding your hand through the rough spots.

He longs to make mountains move for you, to still the storms, to stir the waters, and to pour out His presence in your life. He longs to give you the desires of your heart, those gifts that you would like to have (wisdom, discernment etc.). He longs to do all of this because He loves us.

Father, thank you for always being there, for holding our hands even when we don't say a word. Thank you for whispering to our hearts just because you love us like You do. Thank you for always walking the steps with us and showing us which way to go. Thank you for being patient with us on this journey.  Thank you for inviting us to Your table and sharing with us. You are welcome on this walk/race/journey...thank you for being a part of it with us. In Jesus name...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Broken Pieces

I'm a picture person. I love visuals and God tends to talk in that sense to me lately on this journey. Sometimes they are in my quiet time, other times they are not (today it was on the water table at the chiropractor office....).

I brought God a sack full of pieces one day. I wasn't exactly sure of the contents, but I know I had done my best to put the pieces back together on my own and only ended up frustrated. I carefully carried the sack to Him and laid it at His feet. With tears in my eyes I told Him I'm sorry it's just a bag full of pieces, but it was frustrating me and I asked Him to fix it. He opened up the bag and smiled. See God already knew the contents that the bag held. He knew what each piece represented, how they all fit together, and what it formed together in the end. He knew it was nothing I could put back together on my own, because the pieces were too small and unrecognizable. They could only make sense in the Creator's hands. He wiped the tears from cheeks and whispered..."I've got this sweet Child." "Let me do what I do best". So I left the sack with Him and went on about my day. He didn't need me looking over His shoulder and waiting patiently for Him to do what He does. He needed me moving forward, working while He worked. Later that night He whispered "Come Here". He had my sack in His hands, but this time it didn't look the same. It had a shape to it and was wrapped with a nice bow. He placed in my hands and said "It's ready Sweet Child". I looked back at Him with those eyes that said "Are you sure God?", but He must have heard that thought and said "Yes, it's it.". So I pulled the bow and took off the wrapping that was once a sack. Inside I saw it. Tears started streaming down my face. I whispered to Him and said.....was this what was in the sack? He smiled and said yes. The world had broken it down piece by piece through the enemy's schemes, through you trying to do it your own way, and through just life in general. Each dart, each fear, each thought that you tried to handle on your own...broke another piece time there were only pieces left. "I know you tried to put them back on as they fell off, but your glue only held so long and once again something would happen and they would fall.". " Once you brought it to me, I knew exactly how each piece fit together because I created it in the beginning." "The pieces made sense in My hands even though they felt small." I looked up at Him at this point, the tears still streaming down my cheeks and all I could say was ..."Thank you". He smiled and with love picked me up in His lap and said "Child I just needed you to put it in My Hands." "I've been waiting to fix it all along."  God then took my hand and rubbed it over each piece and together we talked about those memories and those moments. He was patient as I asked for forgiveness, I was patient as He reminded me He was there each step of the way even though it didn't always feel like it. I'm not sure how long the process took, but I know when I left His lap that day there was a freedom and a peace that couldn't be explained. For you see I had brought a sack full of pieces, broken from hurt, fear, and pain. Pieces I had tried to put back together on my own and they only ended up in a mess, once left in the hands of the One who Created them are made beautiful.

So many times we have things happen to us over life and they break off a piece of our hearts. God never promised we would live a life without trouble or heartache, but He said to lean on Him through it all. We go through enough of these moments and we end up with a sack full of broken pieces. We've tried to put them back on with each trial, each storm....but they just seem to fall back off. We get frustrated and wonder why? Oh sweet reader....quit trying to put it back on by yourself. God never intended it to be that way. Give that piece to Him and let Him glue it back in place. His glue is eternal and healing. Our glue is like a band-aid and with time will eventually fall off again. I don't know what may be in your sack today, but God does. He's watched you try to put the pieces back together and He's waiting....waiting on you to just bring it to Him and leave it with Him. So many times we want to stand by waiting for God to fix something, while God says I'm doing My you get back to yours. (but that's a blog for another day). Pieces in our hands may seem broken, but in the hands of the Fixer...they are beautiful.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Who do you think you are?

So who do you think you are? For most of us it would depend on who was asking the question as to what the answer may be. If it were someone who we knew really well, we may answer with a real answer. If it were someone who we were trying to impress, then we may answer with what we hoped. What if God were asking the question to you His child? Let that sink in for a minute... He knows how He would answer the question, but how would you answer to Him. Who would you say that you are if the One who created you were the One asking the question? He's not asking who do you feel that you are, but who do you think you are? 

Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Pastor Aaron used that in the sermon I watched on the way to the beach Sunday. God has been speaking on that ever since. If the God who loves you more than you can imagine, were to ask you who you thought you were..would would be your reply? Would you answer with what you thought He wanted to hear or would you answer with what you really thought? (Remember He knows the difference...) Would your answer bring a smile to His face or tears to His eyes? 

I've struggled with insecurity most of my teenage/adult life. I lived with the chain of people pleasing wrapped around my ankle until recently. It kept me concerned with what others thought more than what my heart knew. The enemy knows where my weakness is in this area. I've told him more times than I should have in times of just that weaknesses, but after hearing this verse God has been dealing with me in that area. Hands open, God and I have gotten real over the last couple of weeks in this area. I've had to let go what I felt about myself and let Him remind me how He feels about me. Oh that's truth to stand on when the day has not gone your way. Feelings are not truth period. When you go to answer the question who do you think are...make sure you are looking to the one that is going to pick you up and not keep you down. Often times you may not feel like you are strong enough to walk through the struggle, but God says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You may not feel beautiful, but God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You may not feel like you can be disciplined, but God says a fruit of the Spirit is self control (lean on it). You may not feel confident, but God says be confident in Him that He finishes what He starts and He is still working on you. Are you starting to see how you should think about yourself? The race is not won by the ones who felt they could win it, but by the ones who thought they could. Thinking you can do something will give you the strength to push past the feelings that say you can't. 

When the enemy has thrown darts at me lately, its been with that...feelings. Insecurity, feelings of overwhelming, doubts, fears...feelings. Combating those feelings takes truth taking root. The devil wants you to keep feeling your way through life, but God came to set you free from that. He came for you to walk in truth and know that regardless of feelings...who you are is His. On the days when you just want to feel your way through, think on what He says about you.....and feel that. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The waves and the war

This is a different kind of blog today...I am posting from my phone ;-)

I'm at the of my favorite places, but also one of those places where God and I typically do some talking.  We all have one of those it on the mountain, at the beach etc. I love listening to the waves  and just being still.  Some of you that know me really well are saying to yourself...she gets still?  Yes I do :-) I have learned to appreciate the beauty in the stillness more over the last couple of months than ever before.

So many things compete for our attention in this life. There will always be distractions in our path. The enemy wants it that way and is going to great lengths to ensure that it happens. There is no way that he plans on making it easy for you to discover what God has planned for your day or even the moment. Distractions come in all forms and the sheer fact of being at the beach and on vacation doesn't mean he is going to leave you alone. I have come too far to go woe is me I wish he would just leave me alone. No last night I went to war. The enemy threw darts all day yesterday and last night I threw truth back at him. I threw truth at him because that is my weapon. With each truth thrown, I could feel my shield of faith getting a little larger. God didn't call us to go to battle without preparing us, no...He has given us everything we need to engage in war and fight. Our part is to pick it up and use it. ..If the enemy is throwing darts, throw truth back. If fear is being thrown, hold up that shield to block it. God has a plan and a purpose for every moment. Sometimes I think we forget that God does know how strong we really are and that this war isn't going to defeat us. He just needs us to grab hold of that for ourselves, so that when the enemy does come in...we raise our standard of truth against him.

On guard means prepared for battle despite your circumstances or time in life. The enemy knows your calendar, he knows your to-do list, and he also knows your prayer list. The enemy knows who that word on the inside of you is meant for,  whose name you are in intercession for, and whose burden you may be bearing as scripture says. If he can keep you distracted, he can impact more than just your life. Oh are you starting to see why the battle is so important now. We don't fight simply for ourselves, we fight for all for those around us, those that we are connected to, and those that we haven't even met yet. We fight for those who are just joining the battle and aren't sure they can hold up their armor on their own yet.

There is victory in the battle when you follow His action plan. Keep fighting....

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Weaknesses.....those places in our lives we would rather not talk about, but end up talking about way too much. Statements like "I'm just not good enough at___" or "Why does ______ have to look this way every time I look in the mirror" or even the "I wish I could do_________ like __________ does." Weaknesses are those places in our walks that are vulnerable if allowed to be that way. They are places where the enemy can easily slip in with just one thought similar to the ones above. How many times do we ask God to strengthen our weak areas, but in our hearts we want Him just to take them away? He knows our hearts, He knows why we ask what we do, but He also knows what is best for us. God knew what He was doing when He made us the way He did and He didn't make a mistake.

The enemy knows our weaknesses/weak areas/weak spots (whatever you want to call them) just as well as we do. We have told them to him over the years through our words. We have told him the buttons that once pushed make us have to take a deep breath to respond. So why are we surprised when he pushes them through circumstances, people, etc.?

In my quiet time I've been reading in 2 Corinthians. I've read the verses about Paul and his thorn many times, but last night they took on a new meaning. It's all in how we handle our weaknesses, how we address them, respond to them etc. Paul asked God to take the thorn away more than once, when God didn't, Paul chose to change his perspective, to look at his weakness through God's strength. Oh to be like Paul some days.....because some days all we want to do is focus on that weakness instead of remembering God's strength shines through those moments.

Our focus can be on our weaknesses or it can be on the fact that God is strong when we are "weak". He made those moments/areas for a purpose a reason so that He can shine through. God knows I'm a picture person...As children of the Most High, God has our backs. He is standing so close that when we notice those holes, those weak spots in ourselves if we will look closely we will see Him in those places. It's all in how we look at it.  There may be an area of your life you deem as one of your weak spots, it may even feel at times like the board is creaking and making noise as you walk on this journey. As a Child of the Most High, there is a foundation underneath though....that even when it feels like you may fall always land on Him.

The devil wants you to forget about the foundation that is underneath. The enemy wants to keep you distracted long enough on those weak areas, that you don't push back at him with the truth. The enemy would rather you not remind him that greater is the One inside of you than the one that is in the world. The enemy would rather you not remind him that you have the power to step all over him because you are a Child of the Most High. The enemy would rather you not remind him that he has already been defeated. Are you starting to see his schemes? The enemy wants you to feel defeated because he is defeated. Oh sweet Child of the Most have the power to rise above what the enemy wants and remind him not only who you are, but WHOSE you are. You are a Child of the Most High and a Son or Daughter of the King. God has your back and those areas where the enemy tries to push you. Those are moments where He longs to step in and shine through. God doesn't just want to shine through in your strengths, but in your weaknesses as well. He longs to shine through in all that you say, do, think, or step. He longs and desires to shine through YOU because He loves you that much.

So the next time the enemy tries to throw a defeat in your path, a moment where you start to wonder if you are good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or just plain enough....remember where your strength comes from. God never said it was supposed to be a journey for you alone, He didn't design you that way. He designed the journey for you and He to walk together. He knew where you would need Him to step in and He's been waiting for you to simply ask. He's been waiting for you to admit to Him it's a weak spot and to give it to Him. Weak spots/areas/moments in the hands of the Creator become moments of strength. They become moments where it's not about what you can do (because face it we know that's nothing), but it becomes all about what He is going to do through you when you are willing. Give it all to Him and when the enemy throws it back at you, remind the enemy you already have victory over that because of WHOSE you are. lose again. My God is stronger than anything and He has already covered those weak spots with His strength. In Jesus name!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

He has you covered....

He never promised it would be easy and He never promised it would be a straight path. There will be valleys, mountains, storms, and fires. Now that we have gotten that out of the way....He did promise He would always walk it with us. He promised that we could walk through the fire and come out not smelling like smoke just the like the three Hebrew boys. He promised we could speak to the mountain in His name, and it had to move. He promised that He knows the storms and that we can still sleep in the boat with Him despite what the storm feels like. He promised to walk with us always whether it be a mountain, a storm, a valley, or a fire. He promised that His thoughts were higher than our thoughts, and His ways higher than our ways. He promised that we didn't have to figure it out or even try to make sense of something and understand it, we just have to trust Him. Are you starting to get the picture? Being a Child of the Most High doesn't mean an easy walk, but it means a stronger walk. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives on the inside of us. Oh if we could grasp a hold of that as God's children, we would unlock another promise of His...that greater things would we still do.

The enemy knows what is on the inside of you and it scares him. Let's get honest, he knew what was on the inside of you before you did. Why else do you think he fought you so long and so hard to keep you from realizing God's purpose and plan? The more the enemy can distract you from your calling and your anointing, the longer he can do what he wants with your time, your thoughts etc. Why else does he do what he can to build your schedule the way he sees fit, instead of the way God has planned for it to go? I'm tired of the enemy doing his works and shouting his lies. I'm tired of watching him slip in and star to take root before Christians even realize it. I'm tired of the spirit of comfortable being the excuse that keeps people from jumping in the waters that God started stirring for a reason. I'm tired of watching people struggle to walk forward not realizing the chains that are still around their ankles. So what do you do when you get tired and mad(motivated against the devil)?  You fight. You listen to the commander's plan and you follow through with what He says to do. Obedience doesn't always make sense, but the One in charge knows the secrets of the enemy. You wouldn't go overseas and walk a field of land mines expecting to survive without someone who knew where each one was buried. God knows the timing of each and where they all are hidden (yep the enemy doesn't always put them where you can easily see them). That's why He whispers in prayer..this way child, step here, jump here, and follow me this way. That's why in prayer He says get some rest, I've got this one sweet child.

I've learned to be thankful for the bumps of the enemy. They let me know I'm still on the right path and headed in the direction God's leading. I'm thankful for the shifts in the atmosphere that let me know God's still in control of the day and not my feelings. The shifts that let me know...God hears the cries of His children, He's got angels ready and He's not going to let you fall or turn back. I'm thankful for a fire that even at the end of the day where the enemy has tried his best, I find myself going God where's the blog,...I need your perspective. Every day isn't going to feel the best and some days will seem cloudier than others, but God's still working and still doing what He does best.

The news again today reminds me that our time on this Earth is drawing to a close. As children of the Most High, we will soon be headed home. The enemy is on the prowl, seeking whom to devour and take control of. God's pouring out His Spirit, His presence, and His power. He's arming His children for the battle at hand. God's calling His children together to unite with one purpose, to tell others about Him and to wage war on the enemy. Armor up children of God, there is something precious on the inside of you and the enemy wants it. There is a story, a testimony, a word that will hand the keys to someone else to unlock their chains that will set them. Tell it, shout it from the rooftops if you must....We have been silent for too long. We've kept our strategies a secret and it's kept our loved ones and friends in chains. Freedom cost Jesus His life, but He gave it freely and willingly so that we could walk without chains. You may feel like David trying on Goliath's armor, but remember who called you to fight.

Father, remind your sweet children that as they armor up, You have them covered. You have Your angels all around us, You are leading us, You are walking with us, and You have our backs. You designed the armor with a purpose and there isn't a piece for our back, because that's Yours. You stand so close to us that if we were to try and turn around we would run into You. God thank you for your covering for it release a power that can heal the sick, mend the wounded, and restore the broken. God thank you for the power of connection, for the unity we feel when we get together with your other children (because we are all your Sons and Daughters)....for the strength we gain by seeing we are not the only ones in the army. Thank you for this is how you designed it all along....for Your children to unite together as just that...Sons and Daughters of the Most High. Thank you Father for letting us feel the day, for it keeps us real and dependent on You. In Jesus name...