Let me remind you again devil that you have already been defeated. You have lost this war that you seem to want to continue fighting. You have done your best the last couple of weeks to push every button I have, to speak every lie you could throw my way, and pushed the feeling limit to the test. You have tried and let's face it, you may have even thought you had won for a moment....but guess what devil you lose. You are defeated and under my feet. My God is bigger than you, stronger than you, and louder than you. He's got your number and knows each and every scheme/trick you have in your playbook. In fact devil, my God knows what you are going to do even before you do. You have tried to take my praise, you have tried to take my confidence, but guess what my God is louder. Are you starting to get the picture? You are toast. You need to go back to where you belong which is, well you know. This may be a war and yes the fire is hot right now, but I'm going through it because He's got me covered. You've taken your best shot...but this girl's a fighter and I'm up and moving forward. You can't have my confidence because my confidence is not in myself. I know I can't do anything without Him, believe me He already made that lesson really clear. I'm confident that He's going to finish what He started and well we both know what my God has started cause it's got you scared. You can't have my fire because you didn't light the flame. God started it and God is going to keep it going. You can't have my purpose because God has my steps ordered and planned already. You can't have my season because it's blooming time. You can't have my energy because God is restoring it day by day. You can't have my words because God has a plan for them already as well. You can't have my oil, because my praise is going to unlock chains. You lose devil...there's nothing of mine that you can have. Feel that? Yep that's what a squash feels like....get used to it devil cause this girl is stronger and just plain mad at you.
God's presence is priceless. He's been a faithful constant this week despite the feelings, the tears, and the moments where I was scared I could turn into a pillar of salt. The enemy has turned up the heat this week but my God used that heat to light an even bigger flame. He will finish what He started, He promised that. Oh Father thank you for Your revelation. Thank you for being my constant, thank you for being my covering, and thank you for being my protection. Thank you for loving me through my moments where I'm not even sure I love myself. Thank you for being You and for loving me for me. Thank you for ungluing my feet in July and for ungluing my mind tonight. Praise you Jesus!
Whew this girl's about ready to take a run and is definitely having a shouting moment....I wish I could tell you what the journey over the last two weeks has been, but it's hard to put into words. It's been a Feeling Fog so to speak. The enemy has thrown more darts than I care to count from places and sources that I didn't see coming. I'm not surprised by his tricks anymore, it's just another page in this journey of moving forward. God's been faithful...with each bump He never let me trip over his mess. Each feeling always came with truth and revelation. God's promise of the One who has called you is faithful and He will do it...was truth to stand on. God is never late and always on time...He hears the cries of our heart and knows when we need His filling. He knows when our tanks are on empty and when they are on fumes and He promises if we'll pay attention to the gas light (the warning signs..blog for another day), He will always provide a filling station presence filled moment. He's not going to leave you stuck on the side of the road because you ran out of gas somewhere. (Let that visual sink in for a moment...because for me it was a shout!)
I don't know what you are going through right now or where you are at on your journey, but God does. God knows each and every dart the enemy has thrown your way. He knows every word or action that has hurt you, every moment that has drained you, and every burden you have tried to carry on your own. He knows sweet child of His and guess what He has heard every one of your cries. He is right there with you saying just keep walking forward I've got you. Like a little child taking their first steps unsure of how many they can do, but they keep walking towards the parent encouraging them along the way....He's been there right in front of you. You may have felt stuck, but God didn't see it that way. He didn't waste a moment and He's been working for you the entire time. He always finishes what He starts, have confidence in that truth...He's faithful to His children.
God move right now for each person reading this blog. Speak life into those that are feeling stuck, speak peace to those that are feeling overwhelmed, and speak truth to those that are ready to squash the enemy and move through this. Thank you for meeting us right where we are and for never leaving us. You cover us and we are thankful. Thank you for being our covering and for loving us right where are, but also for loving us too much to let us stay there. In Jesus Name...
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