Friday, October 9, 2015

Broken Pieces

I'm a picture person. I love visuals and God tends to talk in that sense to me lately on this journey. Sometimes they are in my quiet time, other times they are not (today it was on the water table at the chiropractor office....).

I brought God a sack full of pieces one day. I wasn't exactly sure of the contents, but I know I had done my best to put the pieces back together on my own and only ended up frustrated. I carefully carried the sack to Him and laid it at His feet. With tears in my eyes I told Him I'm sorry it's just a bag full of pieces, but it was frustrating me and I asked Him to fix it. He opened up the bag and smiled. See God already knew the contents that the bag held. He knew what each piece represented, how they all fit together, and what it formed together in the end. He knew it was nothing I could put back together on my own, because the pieces were too small and unrecognizable. They could only make sense in the Creator's hands. He wiped the tears from cheeks and whispered..."I've got this sweet Child." "Let me do what I do best". So I left the sack with Him and went on about my day. He didn't need me looking over His shoulder and waiting patiently for Him to do what He does. He needed me moving forward, working while He worked. Later that night He whispered "Come Here". He had my sack in His hands, but this time it didn't look the same. It had a shape to it and was wrapped with a nice bow. He placed in my hands and said "It's ready Sweet Child". I looked back at Him with those eyes that said "Are you sure God?", but He must have heard that thought and said "Yes, it's it.". So I pulled the bow and took off the wrapping that was once a sack. Inside I saw it. Tears started streaming down my face. I whispered to Him and said.....was this what was in the sack? He smiled and said yes. The world had broken it down piece by piece through the enemy's schemes, through you trying to do it your own way, and through just life in general. Each dart, each fear, each thought that you tried to handle on your own...broke another piece time there were only pieces left. "I know you tried to put them back on as they fell off, but your glue only held so long and once again something would happen and they would fall.". " Once you brought it to me, I knew exactly how each piece fit together because I created it in the beginning." "The pieces made sense in My hands even though they felt small." I looked up at Him at this point, the tears still streaming down my cheeks and all I could say was ..."Thank you". He smiled and with love picked me up in His lap and said "Child I just needed you to put it in My Hands." "I've been waiting to fix it all along."  God then took my hand and rubbed it over each piece and together we talked about those memories and those moments. He was patient as I asked for forgiveness, I was patient as He reminded me He was there each step of the way even though it didn't always feel like it. I'm not sure how long the process took, but I know when I left His lap that day there was a freedom and a peace that couldn't be explained. For you see I had brought a sack full of pieces, broken from hurt, fear, and pain. Pieces I had tried to put back together on my own and they only ended up in a mess, once left in the hands of the One who Created them are made beautiful.

So many times we have things happen to us over life and they break off a piece of our hearts. God never promised we would live a life without trouble or heartache, but He said to lean on Him through it all. We go through enough of these moments and we end up with a sack full of broken pieces. We've tried to put them back on with each trial, each storm....but they just seem to fall back off. We get frustrated and wonder why? Oh sweet reader....quit trying to put it back on by yourself. God never intended it to be that way. Give that piece to Him and let Him glue it back in place. His glue is eternal and healing. Our glue is like a band-aid and with time will eventually fall off again. I don't know what may be in your sack today, but God does. He's watched you try to put the pieces back together and He's waiting....waiting on you to just bring it to Him and leave it with Him. So many times we want to stand by waiting for God to fix something, while God says I'm doing My you get back to yours. (but that's a blog for another day). Pieces in our hands may seem broken, but in the hands of the Fixer...they are beautiful.

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