Saturday, October 3, 2015


Weaknesses.....those places in our lives we would rather not talk about, but end up talking about way too much. Statements like "I'm just not good enough at___" or "Why does ______ have to look this way every time I look in the mirror" or even the "I wish I could do_________ like __________ does." Weaknesses are those places in our walks that are vulnerable if allowed to be that way. They are places where the enemy can easily slip in with just one thought similar to the ones above. How many times do we ask God to strengthen our weak areas, but in our hearts we want Him just to take them away? He knows our hearts, He knows why we ask what we do, but He also knows what is best for us. God knew what He was doing when He made us the way He did and He didn't make a mistake.

The enemy knows our weaknesses/weak areas/weak spots (whatever you want to call them) just as well as we do. We have told them to him over the years through our words. We have told him the buttons that once pushed make us have to take a deep breath to respond. So why are we surprised when he pushes them through circumstances, people, etc.?

In my quiet time I've been reading in 2 Corinthians. I've read the verses about Paul and his thorn many times, but last night they took on a new meaning. It's all in how we handle our weaknesses, how we address them, respond to them etc. Paul asked God to take the thorn away more than once, when God didn't, Paul chose to change his perspective, to look at his weakness through God's strength. Oh to be like Paul some days.....because some days all we want to do is focus on that weakness instead of remembering God's strength shines through those moments.

Our focus can be on our weaknesses or it can be on the fact that God is strong when we are "weak". He made those moments/areas for a purpose a reason so that He can shine through. God knows I'm a picture person...As children of the Most High, God has our backs. He is standing so close that when we notice those holes, those weak spots in ourselves if we will look closely we will see Him in those places. It's all in how we look at it.  There may be an area of your life you deem as one of your weak spots, it may even feel at times like the board is creaking and making noise as you walk on this journey. As a Child of the Most High, there is a foundation underneath though....that even when it feels like you may fall always land on Him.

The devil wants you to forget about the foundation that is underneath. The enemy wants to keep you distracted long enough on those weak areas, that you don't push back at him with the truth. The enemy would rather you not remind him that greater is the One inside of you than the one that is in the world. The enemy would rather you not remind him that you have the power to step all over him because you are a Child of the Most High. The enemy would rather you not remind him that he has already been defeated. Are you starting to see his schemes? The enemy wants you to feel defeated because he is defeated. Oh sweet Child of the Most have the power to rise above what the enemy wants and remind him not only who you are, but WHOSE you are. You are a Child of the Most High and a Son or Daughter of the King. God has your back and those areas where the enemy tries to push you. Those are moments where He longs to step in and shine through. God doesn't just want to shine through in your strengths, but in your weaknesses as well. He longs to shine through in all that you say, do, think, or step. He longs and desires to shine through YOU because He loves you that much.

So the next time the enemy tries to throw a defeat in your path, a moment where you start to wonder if you are good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or just plain enough....remember where your strength comes from. God never said it was supposed to be a journey for you alone, He didn't design you that way. He designed the journey for you and He to walk together. He knew where you would need Him to step in and He's been waiting for you to simply ask. He's been waiting for you to admit to Him it's a weak spot and to give it to Him. Weak spots/areas/moments in the hands of the Creator become moments of strength. They become moments where it's not about what you can do (because face it we know that's nothing), but it becomes all about what He is going to do through you when you are willing. Give it all to Him and when the enemy throws it back at you, remind the enemy you already have victory over that because of WHOSE you are. lose again. My God is stronger than anything and He has already covered those weak spots with His strength. In Jesus name!

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