Now I know what you are thinking, but the boat is comfortable and I'm not a fan of taking risks. Listen...neither is this non-swimmer. When God gave me that one day, I was laughing through the tears because it is so true. Sometimes we hang on out of fear, when God is saying "Just trust Me, I've got You." Fear will keep you in the boat, fear will keep you comfortable, and fear will keep you playing it safe. Fear will tell you to do this much and not anything more or listen to this or that opinion, fear eventually paralyzes you. Fear is a chain keeping even Christians from living the life that God truly called them to live. The life He sent His Son to die on the cross. Hear my heart....Jesus took all of that mess with Him to the cross, He already went through the pain, the agony and the stress of it. He took care of it so we wouldn't have to. Then three days later He showed us how to walk in victory. He did what He did that die to show us the power on the inside of us. Let that sink in...the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives on the inside of you. I know it's a song we sing at times, but do we ever think about the words. God has given us authority over everything the devil puts in our paths. We may not always be able to kick it out of the way, but we can step over it in Jesus name. Fear is the root of playing it safe, and if we are following the steps of the One who made us, the One who called us, saved us...why are worried about safe? God says His plans are for our good, not to harm us, but to prosper us and give us a hope and future.
You may be reading this thinking, but is He listening? I've done everything He's asked me to as far as I know, but it seems like I still have a long list of prayers that I need God to move on. I'm trusting Him, but this timing thing is wearing me down. Oh sweet child, just hold on. God is never late even if it feels that way. That feeling is from the enemy because He wants you to miss the beauty of God coming in and taking care of you right on time. He knows what you need and more than that He knows when you need it. He has heard your cries and He knows right where you are at. He's ready to move in and take care of your needs...are you believing Him? Have you taken your hands off of it, so He can put His hands on it? So many times we pray for something pour our hearts out to God and then as soon as we say Amen our minds start talking that fear mess and we start worrying if God's gonna answer. When you say's done in Him. Let Him work and just follow His lead.
This is a different kind of blog today, I know....but it's my heart right now. I've started five blogs this week, all titles that God has laid on my heart, but none that He will let me finish just yet. God's moving, God's pouring out....His presence has been incredible this week in church and in my own quiet times. I'm humbled and in awe at this season right now. This year has been a chain breaking year, I've seen Him unlock each and every one and not just unlock them but to break them and move them so far out of my hands, I couldn't put them back on if I wanted to. The enemy still taunts with some, but God is greater...and I've learned to take the enemy back to a place or two this year. The enemy can talk all he wants to, God says I don't have to listen. I'll blog soon with more of the journey and how the anxiety and insecurity tried to push their way back...but God stepped in and said "Not today". The enemy will attack where God is using you. That's a truth I've learned in vivid ways the past couple of weeks. Fight hard reader...for God is looking for someone willing to stick through the battle. God is looking for a David who despite the size of the giant says, You can come against me with sword or spear(aka weapons of the world), but I come against you in the name of the name of the Lord. It's in the name of Jesus chains are broken, hope is restored, lives are made new, and the enemy is defeated.
Walk in victory today knowing that God has already gone before you...
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