I told myself last time He started writing a blog this late, that I was just going to type it out instead of waiting for morning. (Otherwise sleep and I may not find each other again...)
I've read the Prodigal Son story many times...but tonight God started showing it to me in a new light. A lot of times we look at the story and think the son who took his inheritance and ran may not have been a Christian....but He was the Father's son. The son who took his inheritance knew what life in the presence of the Father was like and chose to go to the world of busy because he thought it looked better. The Son who left knew Freedom and chose Busy instead. He knew what it was like to have the weight off of him and chose to carry his junk around in the world of motions. Then it hit him one day and he remembered what freedom was like. He remembered what it felt like at his Father's house and how it was to live in His presence...and He ran home. He ran back to the place where he knew he belonged...and the Father met him with open welcome arms So many times I've always thought this story was about someone who went out and lived in the world, Christian or not...but tonight God started talking about it another light.
The son knew what it was like to walk in freedom. He knew what it was like to walk in the authority of being the king's son, but he chose to do it his way. He was still His Father's son, but He was not walking in the authority of His Father. He chose to walk the path of trying it on his own for awhile...and look where he ended up, in the middle of a bunch of pigs. The son had chosen to carry his own junk, while sitting in the middle of a mess. Until one day he remembered back to what freedom felt like. He remembered back to what it meant to be the son of his Father and He got up. He had gone through the motions long enough, tried it his way, and the weight of it left him in a mess. He got up and went back home. He went back to where He knew He should be...and chose to walk in what it meant to be the son of His Father.
Stay with me for a minute...how many times do we do that as children of Our Father? We know what freedom feels like, what it means to be His Child and to walk in that authority, but some days we choose to do it our own way. We choose to walk away from that protection and try it on the path of our own choosing. We end up carrying our own junk and finding ourselves at some point in a mess. The time it takes for us to get up and realize what we left depends on us. Busyness can take your focus away from realizing the situation you are walking in....so much so that you find yourself going through the motions. Your feelings run rampant.....and not in a good way. You feel all of the weight of what you are carrying...all because you chose to carry it on your own. Then one day..just like the Son did, you get tired of the mess(aka the stress and frustration...) and you remember what it was like back home. You remember what it was like when you walked in freedom, when you walked in the authority of being His child. So you get up...and turn and head back home. I have to think the Father in the story knew that one day, the son would come back home...and so He waited patiently. God does the same for us...some days our journey to the mess is short and end the day running back. Some days we get so off focus that our journey turns into weeks, months...before we realize we need to get up.
That feeling you have in your Spirit to run...may not be to run away from something, but to run back to Him.
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