Friday, January 6, 2017

The Whisper Moments

Some of you know I moved over the last couple of my first house....It's been an interesting time that's for sure. I've gone from completely exhausted, overwhelmed to finally starting to settle in and all of the emotions in between. The emotions that came with this journey were not what I expected (and certainly not at my, but none the less they came and I felt my way through. That being said...I'm settling in and the quiet time is let's just say it's quiet. The whispers you hear from God when it's just you and I'm excited that this journey is growing and that time with Him is going to be that much sweeter. Some sweet friends reminded me on New Year's that seven is the number of needless to say I'm excited about this year 2017 and all that God has in store for it.

I said I was going to be transparent this year and I am...God's been taking me back over the last couple of months and all that has occurred. Y'all it's enough to write a book....but that's coming later this year. I don't believe God misses a moment and anything that comes to a child of His has a purpose. The part I struggle with is letting go of my purpose and just walking in His. Trusting doesn't mean Understanding....and that readers is something that I am still learning to walk out. If God wanted us to understand everything He would tell us. Let that sink in...He tells us as He knows we can not only understand, but process and comprehend. Getting still in this world we live NOT easy, but it's beyond necessary. Still is the best time when we hear what He is saying and not what we or others are saying. Still is when He reminds us with our crazy emotions and feelings that He loves us more than we could ever fathom and He has a plan for those crazy emotions if we will let Him have them.

So many times we focus on how we want God to answer that we lose sight of how God is answering. We lose sight that God has sent that friend to listen when you didn't feel like anyone else would. We lose sight that He has given you that group of friends that you can text when you are just wanting to sleep through the night and not shine the light at every noise you hear. We lose sight that He sent that group of people in your everyday life to just remind you that you are loved (and to fill your new house with stuff you didn't know you needed but you did). We lose sight sometimes because we want to see God answer the way we asked when God's going to answer the way He has planned period. Trusting doesn't mean His timing lines up with ours, but it means His timing is perfect. The song Good Good Father has a line that says "You are Perfect in ALL of Your ways". Our ways are not His until we give Him our ways and just walk in His (whether we understand it or not).  We lose sight of His way until we get still enough for Him to walk us through exactly how He has answered and taken care of every one of our needs.  Oh when we take a minute to see through His eyes.....

Trusting is knowing that God's going to reveal when He is ready what He's asked you to walk through. He's not leaving you to fly this mission solo and He's also stronger than your feelings. Trust Him for encouragement when you are discouraged, for peace when you are afraid, and for security when you feel insecure. Trust Him for that Jesus with skin on when you need it...but don't be so focused on Him sending it the way you asked that you miss sight of who He may be using. God doesn't leave you hanging...but sometimes we choose to hold on to the rope instead of grabbing the One hanging right next to us that will take us to the next step. Pay attention to those whispers ...and answer as He calls. You may be the answer for someone else because you are listening....

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