Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend wisdom

 I'll try to keep this short and sweet ;-) I never know when I start out with one of these if it's just for me, for someone else, or for both. Some days it's a blog or bust (In other words I gotta say it to someone and this is my outlet for now).
  • If God gave you a dream, He gave it to you period. In other words, His dreams can't be taken away. His dreams will come to pass when it's time. Now if only He'd give us a time table, but that's not always how things go ;-)?
  • Don't switch off the gift(s) God has placed inside of you. Some people may not understand and some may not agree with it, but if God gave it to you(good test if it's God given....can you see a time He has used it in the past???), it's not to be hidden. There are so many treasures inside of you, uncover them, unlock them, and there you will find the keys to walk out some of your prayers. Fear will keep your mouth shut when God said to open it. Fear also has another name and it's called people pleasing ;-).  Speak when He says too, if you stay quiet, you may not be the only one missing out on the blessing.
  • God never forgets what you ask for and when it's time He will bring it to pass if it's part of His will. It may just not look like what you specifically asked for ;-) Don't limit God or try to keep Him in a box.
  • The same power that raised Lazarus and told demons where to go is inside of you...use it! Too many times we excuse away the very thing God gave us to use to fight.
  • God's given you so much, He's just waiting on you to realize what makes you special. Don't let others push down what God has tried to push up ;-)
God knows your weaknesses, and God always provides (think about Moses and Aaron). Moses didn't need Aaron to talk, but it made him feel better and it gave him the confidence to go forward with what God told Him to do. Tell God your but statement, and then when He answers, walk forward and quit making excuses. Enough for now......More to come soon, He's writing just know that ;-)

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