Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.…
Laying in bed last night and wide awake and God's writing a blog. I wanted to sleep, but God was writing....I probably should have gotten up and typed this late last night, but then again it was late. He took a part the verses above as we discussed my day last night. The blog is a peek into that discussion ;-)
These verses were not part of my quiet time Bible Reading or even my devotional, they were His whisper to me last night. It seems like I've been on an up hill run for the past couple of months and I'm tired. I'm exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. I also realized over the break a couple of weeks ago I was exhausted spiritually. That's a blog for another day because I truly didn't realize you could get to that point. God has a way of letting us have our moment to wear ourselves out to realize His way was the better way. Apparently that's a lesson I have yet to master. I learn it, but forget it way too quickly. So back to the verses above...
Come to Me: God said we have to go to Him when we are tired. In other words, ask Him for help, when you are overwhelmed, when you are stressed, when you are frustrated, and when you are just plain tired. He knows our minds, but He is also waiting on us to realize we are not superwomen. We serve an amazing super God who wants us to rely on Him to get through the day(and the massive to-do list). He doesn't say complain, but come. Don't plop down mad about how things are going and get stuck. Crawl up in His lap and know that He knows your heart. If you find yourself plopped down, look up...He's got an outstretched hand waiting on you.
all who are weary and heavy-laden: At some point in our journey this describes us all. When we say yes to more than we should, it is us on a daily basis. (Hey I'm learning...). God knows the journey is tough. He knows the enemy is going to do everything He can to wear us down and make us feel defeated and deflated.
and I will give you rest: Pretty simple....not I might or I'll think about it, but I will give you rest. Now this doesn't mean you are going to sleep the problem away, or watch it float away on a cloud. It's a peace of knowing He's got this. It's Him whispering in your ear....It's Mine, because you are Mine.
Take my Yoke upon you and learn from Me: When oxen are yoked together they both are carrying the load. Share it with Him and let Him do His part. Learn His way of doing things....Do what He says and He'll take care of the rest.
for I am gentle and humble in heart and YOU will find rest for your souls: This is the part that stepped ALL over my toes. It's not about what others think. It's not about how others make you feel. It's not about what others do. Do what He asked you to do and rest in that fact. When we truly seek to live our lives for an audience of One, the rest falls into place. We can rest in Him when know that He is all that matters. Too many times we let what others think, what others say, and how others may make us feel dictate what we think, how we speak, and how we feel about ourselves. That is not how He planned for it to be. Live life for Him. Do what you can with all that you can and leave the rest in His hands. Quit seeking the applause of men or the recognition your flesh thinks you may need. Do it because He said to and leave the claps for His hands.
Planted on the journey,