Monday, October 20, 2014

Messy Mondays

Mondays are not my favorite day of the week. Let's face it, when that alarm goes off I'm not a happy camper. This morning was no exception. My bed was warm and I was comfy. How dare Avalon play "It's a New Day" and signal that my sleep had come to an end. Please hear my heart...I absolutely love my job this year. I love what I do, who I work with, and where I work. I just love my sleep as well. If the day could start around 9:30 I'd be good as gold. Mondays are unique. I discover, deal with, and figure out things on Monday that I didn't even realize I had to deal with. Mondays bring out laughter at times, tears at times, and definitely smiles. Mondays are also the days when I typically second guess myself, question myself, and wonder what in the world did I do all day. I can stay focused and be productive most days, but Mondays just seem busy. Today was no different. At the end of the day I was left questioning what was it I actually accomplished today. There was nothing that could be marked off of my "list", no projects that could be filed away, and nothing that had been started seemed to be have been completed. In short Monday was a busy day. The enemy wants nothing more than to take our busy days and tie them to how we feel about ourselves. The to do list shouldn't dictate how you feel about you....God does. Give His gift of today the best you that you can and know that you have done what He asked. Too many times we put too much pressure on ourselves because we have said yes to one too many things and are trying to hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations. God said Be who I made you to be and do what I've called you to do. Pure and simple, short and sweet, He doesn't complicate His gift of today. 

I left out my specific details on purpose so He could bring your own to remembrance for you. We all have days that look like a messy Monday. I have often times referred to them as diamond days before because I have learned there is always a message, a nugget somewhere. I've learned the more the enemy tries to defeat me with thoughts about my day, and what I did or didn't do, the more God wants to speak thoughts about what He has done and is going to do. If the enemy can keep our minds focused on what didn't get done during the day, we won't be focused on what God did do during the day. If you feel like you made a mess out of your Monday or maybe your Monday was busier than you thought it should be, listen to this truth. You made a difference today. You impacted someone in your path. God knew the seeds that needed to be sown and the words that need to be spoken. He promised in His word, that it would always come back. If you were you today, He is smiling and so should you. God knew what the day held before your alarm even sounded. He wasn't surprised by anything that came your way because He knows what you can handle. There is beauty in the mess and a message in the making. You may see a mess, but God sees a message. 

Stay the course and enjoy the journey! 

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