Sunday, October 19, 2014

I don't do overwhelmed....

Before I get too far, let me explain the title...this was what God so lovingly told me Friday when I told him I'm overwhelmed. He replied with "I don't do overwhelmed...remember I've got this, move on." Oh how He knows me.....In other words He was basically telling me You are Mine and I'm running this show. I don't do overwhelmed so you don't either. God doesn't have a to-do list, so therefore He doesn't have the stress that goes along with the pressure of a to-do list. He knows how to prioritize and what needs to come first. He gets that people before paperwork, but time with Him before people. Jesus didn't let what others demanded ruffle His feathers or make Him feel stressed. He handled everything with grace and a peaceful demeanor. I want to be like Him. I want to react like Him. Days I hit the mark and other days the arrow falls short the target. I somehow can see my sweet Heavenly Daddy picking up that arrow and handing it back for me to try again. He gets it. He knows our flesh sometimes gets the best of us. He knows we get stressed, overwhelmed, and focused on pleasing others at times. He also knows that our hearts seek to please Him, and He knows that one day we will be strong enough to stop the flesh before instead of asking for forgiveness afterwards.

I have a list of what needs to do be completed, but I try not to focus on it. Focusing on the list makes me feel stressed. With feeling stressed comes negative talk, grumpiness, not feeling so great, and being overwhelmed. I've learned over the last couple of years just what stress can physically and mentally do to your body. It is not a pretty picture. God did not design us to perform at our best when we are stressed. So what do we do when those feelings come? We have two choices. One let the thoughts of stress etc. play over and over in our minds therefore feeding the flesh, or two let our mind play He's got this, He's got this, He's got this over and over. We may not feel like He has it, but just as the official whose son Jesus healed, we have to believe Him at His word. If the official had asked for some proof or doubted that God had done what He said He had, the official's son may have not been healed. However the official believed Jesus at His word and so should we. When God says come to me all you that are heavy laden(stressed, overwhelmed, tired) and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you(know that I have this under control) for it is easy. (I've got this child remember).

I don't know what your week holds, but I know who holds your week. Rest in the promise that He has it all under control. Put that promise on repeat and when the enemy tells you otherwise, remind him Whose feet your day has already been laid at.

Enjoy the journey,

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