Monday is the day when it seems easiest to be defeated. We start the day with the greatest of intentions only to end the day feeling like a failure. Oh how feelings can really mess with our heads. Let me just get real for a few minutes. My Monday was appears that is the norm lately. If I'm being honest I'm pulled in one too many directions and as hard as I try I know I'm not super woman. I serve a super God, but even He knows I have limitations. I have a difficult time with confrontation and will usually do what I can to avoid it. I know the word no is powerful and productive, but the whole confrontation thing gets in my way. That being said, God is working on it...but for now I'm a work in progress. For every revelation He pours out, obedience must follow. The enemy knows my weak spots, but unfortunately it's because I have told him. The power of life and death really are in the tongue. Oh how some days I just want to pause my mouth and let my heart take over. God knows my heart and even when my mind gets overwhelmed with the shear magnitude of what there is to do, He knows where my heart's focus is. Believe me I'm thankful for that. I some times wish sometimes I could open my heart and display what I know is on the inside.
I spent my time on the way home telling the enemy to shut it. At some point we have to do that and take a minute to remind ourselves what HE says. The more the arrows come the harder it is to stand. The more we want to sit down or run away, the harder it is to stand. He said to stand...when you have done all you can stand. You wouldn't feel the push of resistance if you weren't right where He wants you to be. Muscles are made stronger with resistance and as hard as it is in the moment, God has a plan for all of the mess Mondays seem to bring.
Why does the enemy pick Mondays to throw it all at us? I asked God that question today. At one point I was seriously like really, one more thing today God.....but regardless of what I felt like I could take...God knew what I could handle. (and some days He has to convince us of what we can handle). God reminded me of a Monday so very long ago. See Friday the world was gray and cloudy, Sunday the Son(sun) came out and brought the promise of Monday. Monday is a day of a promise. A day when the lion is roaming about because the saints are armed and ready. The enemy is most worried about us on Mondays because of Sunday. So why else does the enemy throw it all at us on Monday? Because if he can get us to sit down on Monday, then he can do what he wants the rest of the week. God said stand. Stand when you have done all you can and know that is a victory within itself.
Blogs on Monday have became therapeutic. It's a few minutes of an other wise crazy day where I operate in a sweet spot. A few minutes where I take off the lid, the mask and just be me. Not the me others expect me to be, but the me that He made me to be. I'm finding out more about that me a little every day. I can sometimes give out more than I take in. I want to be fruitful, but still have my busy moments. Negative talk is infectious and takes the strength that only He can give to resist. The easiest thing to do is to join in when someone starts being a negative Nelly and complaining. It takes strength to not join in and let those thoughts take root. It takes strength to be productive and not just a whirlwind. (Some days are better than others). I'm not perfect, but I'm standing still a whole lot more than sitting down. If you are the one that is always giving, make sure you take time to receive back. You may not always have a person with skin on to be that encourager, that ear to listen, or even the friend who will take some of the load. God knows what you need and He will bring it to you. It may come through a song on the radio, a whisper in your ear, or a word that He knows you need right then. My one regret over the last couple of months or almost a year and half are the God moments I missed because of the Busy ones. God slow my heart down and take care of the list that others have made. I want to do yours first. Your timing matters more than mine.
Thank you for reading, enjoy your evening...
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