Monday, October 13, 2014

What's your Praise cost?

I should be working on paperwork, but I have a blog that needs to come out. God started writing it this morning(well late, late last night). I honestly started to post a what about me, complaining Facebook status because today has just been chaos and that's when God reminded me of this blog. Last night I had the typical Sunday night rest (if you are a teacher or related to a teacher you know what I mean). Sunday nights are usually hard to rest and sleep because of all of the plans for the following week. I sleep very well Monday night, but Sunday seems to be my dreams of paperwork and overwhelming schedules. Most teachers I know have said the same thing, especially after a break ;-). I love what I do, but I have finally learned the stress is not productive. Doing the best I can each day, for the entire day is all that He asks me to do. It may not be all that others ask, but at some point I have to be content with it being what He wants and expects. So many times I think we forget that He didn't say save the world, He said change it. We change it by doing what He has asked us to do and by giving the gift of today our all. Oh how we forget how much He trusts us sometimes.

So the title of the blog was His question to me last night. Kari Jobe made a comment on the Dove Awards of praise till the breakthrough happens. So many times we stop short of our breakthrough because we quit praising. We start complaining or start the woe is me pity parties. How quickly we forget that He knows us better than we know ourselves. He is not surprised by our reactions, He knows our hearts. He also knows that each day we are getting stronger than we were the previous day. Don't quit praising just because the day is not going your way or even how you planned that it would.  God knows how strong you are and He knows your heart. What's your Praise worth? Is it worth complaining because the day is not going your way? Is it worth getting down on yourself because you cannot seem to get it all finished? Is it worth pleasing everyone else in the course of the day instead of pleasing the One who made the day?

What is your praise worth? How much does it cost? You and God are the only two that know what is in your Alabaster box. (Think story in the Bible and the CeCe Winnans song). Jesus understood what the perfume was worth to the woman who broke it anointed His feet with it that day.  Everyone else did not understand, but they didn't know her heart. God knows what your praise is worth. He knows what it means when you push through a day with a smile on your face when you would rather sit somewhere and pout. He knows what it means when you refrain from that pity party post and let Him remind you He's got it. (I'm not talking about the asking for prayer posts, but the pity party know what I'm talking about). He knows what you fight through that others may never see. He knows what your praise costs, let Him remind you when you need it.

The events of the day are not worth sacrificing your praise. The day may end in tears, but let it be tears of God I don't get it but I know You've got it. What's your praise worth? Stay focused on what He's called you to do and who He made you to be. Do not believe the lies of the world/enemy that it is worth sacrificing for a few minutes of a pity party or complaining. Your praise is worth so much more.

God thank you for knowing my heart and for knowing what my praise is worth. Strengthen me throughout the day and may Your praise be always in my mind/heart and on my lips. Thank you for sweet reminders of praise when You know the pity party is about to start. Oh how you know me so well ;-)

Have a great week readers!

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