Vacation time(a true vacation) equals revelation time....I asked Him a lot and He answered. I can't say it's exactly what I had hoped for, but oh how He knows what I need. I truly think I had forgotten what it meant to relax until this week. I could not have been happier for a Fall Break where the scenery was beautiful, the friendship amazing, but most of all the schedule was non existent. In a world where we like to schedule every minute of our lives, it is peace just to let life stop for a few minutes. Caution if you have not taken the time to let life stop for a few minutes lately, I encourage it. My word of caution comes when He starts speaking during this stopped time....oh how the layers are peeled back and revelation takes place. I asked Him to see things with His eyes, but I now realize I should have asked for the grace to go with that revelation. He showed me truth, He showed me freedom, and He showed me myself. So many things I thought I knew, but this week He added the truth behind some of those "feelings". I came home ready for a new season, but the enemy was as well. I am determined more than ever to stay focused. The last year and half have been chaotic, disorganized, and just plain busy. The enemy likes when we are busy because that means we do not have time to listen. Sometimes we just have to take a step back from something and let the pressure die down. If we will take a minute a lot of times, that pressure we say we "feel" is something we put on ourselves. I know that I'm guilty of that on many levels. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to lack of self control, not being disciplined, and people pleasing. I am pretty sure I've asked God to break the people pleasing chain more than once over the last couple of months. Why do we do it to ourselves, I'm sure He's asking the same question. He has this amazing day planned for us when we wake up and we mess it up by letting the mess into our thoughts. You are what you think about and you are who you think you are. Let that sink in for a minute.....You are who you think you are. You will only be as great as you think and feel you can be. When you look in the mirror do you analyze and criticize every flaw you think you have, or do you smile and say thank you God I'm your child. God knew what He was doing when He formed you and He didn't make a mistake. We have made some bad choices over our lives that may have lead to the way we see ourselves, but God looks deeper. Ask God for a glimpse of how He sees you. Then remember that picture, because that's how He wants you to see yourself. Don't look at the day as a chance to finish that list. Look at the day as a chance to make a difference. The enemy will throw stones in your path. You decide whether they make you stumble or make you stronger. Trust God as much as He trusts you and believe in yourself the way He does. He didn't create life to be stressful, frustrating, or chaotic. When that finally sunk in, I cried. I know I've said yes to things that while they may have been good things have not been God things. I've been overwhelmed and until this week I didn't realize how much that had taken from me. When you feel overwhelmed, you lose focus. You go from walking on the water, trusting Him for each step, to doing everything you can to keep from sinking.
I'm still working my way through The Best Yes book by Lysa TerKeust, but God and I have had some serious conversations this week. He gave me some steps and now it is up to me to put them into practice. God cares about how we feel, and whether we realize it or not...He gets the overwhelmed feeling too. I took Him my overwhelmed schedule this week and gave it to Him. He gave me some peace and now together we are going to start tackling it piece by piece. That conversation though is a blog for another day. I ended my time with Him and asked for an overwhelmed soul and an underwhelmed schedule. I want my time to be what He wants it to be. God give us the strength and the grace to see each day as you do and to stay focused on You alone. God called you to be You. Ask Him to show you who that is and then be!
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